Title: B型抗諧振反射光波導陣列波導光柵
Investigation on ARROW-B AWG Demultiplexers
Authors: 謝昌男
Chang-Nan Hsieh
Yang-Tung Huang
Cheng-May Kwei
Keywords: 抗諧振反射光波導;陣列波導光柵波長解多工器;ARROW;AWG
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本論文研究B型抗諧振反射光波導陣列波導光柵波長解多工器元件。B型抗諧振反射光波導結構可傳輸橫向電場偏極化(TE)及橫向磁場偏極化(TM)的基模光線,且具有較大的導光區可有效和單模光纖耦合。利用多層膜傳輸矩陣理論和有效折射係數法來分析及設計B型抗諧振反射光波導結構,以及波束傳輸法來模擬B型抗諧振反射光波導陣列波導光柵元件,設計了在矽基片上具有16個頻道、頻道間距為200 GHz、中心波長工作在1550.92 nm的B型抗諧振反射光波導陣列波導光柵波長解多工元件。此元件中心及外圍輸出端的損耗在橫向電場偏極化為2.06 dB及3.76 dB,在橫向磁場偏極化的損耗為2.11 dB及3.83 dB。
In this research, we investigate the ARROW-B AWG devices. The ARROW-B structure can guide light in the fundamental modes of TE and TM polarization, and provides a large core size compatible to single-mode fibers. The transfer matrix method and effective index method are used to analyze the ARROW-B structures. The beam propagation method is used to simulate the performance of the ARROW-B AWG devices. We design a 16-channel ARROW-B AWG demultiplexer with 200-GHz spacing for 1550.92-nm operation on a Si substrate. The losses for the central and outer output waveguides are 2.06 and 3.76 dB for TE-polarization, and 2.11 and 3.83 for TM-polarization.
Appears in Collections:Thesis