Title: 正交分頻多工系統之最大可靠度頻率偏移估計法
Maximum Likelihood Frequency Offset Estimation Algorithms for OFDM Systems
Authors: 余俊宏
JiunHung Yu
Yu T. Su
Keywords: 正交分頻多工;載波頻率偏移;OFDM;carrier frequency offset
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本論文主要在探討如何解決正交分頻多工系統 (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing, OFDM) 中存在的載波頻率偏移問題。載波頻率偏移的不確定性取決於OFDM 所應用的系統,造成的頻率偏差可能會達到幾十個次載波(Subcarrier)的頻寬和,此時載波頻率偏移通常被分割成整數及小數偏移兩部分處理。本論文提出完整的最佳及次佳的解決方案以補償載波頻率偏移的問題。
基於最大可靠度原則 (Maximum Likelihood Principle) 以及可獲得領航符元 (Pilot Symbols) 的情形下,我們推導了多個高效率的演算法以估計載波頻率偏移的整數及小數部分。藉由使用多個相同的領航符元以推導最大可靠度小數頻率偏移估計法,我們證明了所有先前以相關性原則 (Correlation-based) 所獲得的演算法僅僅使用了一部份的充分統計 (Sufficient Statistic)。 但此最大可靠度估測器必須在可能發生載波頻率偏移的範圍內做全面性搜尋並比較而選出一個具有最大可靠度的載波頻率偏移估計值;我們轉換此種需要全面性搜尋的方法,使其變成僅需搜尋並解出一個頻譜多項式(Spectrum polynomial)的根來估測載波頻率偏移而大大降低全面性搜尋的計算複雜度。同時進一步適當的縮減頻譜多項式的維度,我們可明確地得到此多項式根的數式表示法,因此更加簡化搜尋根的過程。
以上所提出的利用解頻譜多項式的根並搜尋而獲得最佳根的過程是可以被更進一步再簡化而幾乎不會付出任何性能損失的代價;在此我們使用一個事實即可估測出最大可靠度載波頻率偏移估計值的根必定落在此頻譜多項式的一個特定的因式上,而解出此因式的根的過程是幾乎不花費任何計算量的,因此此估測法非常吸引人,因為其具有相當低的複雜度並且即使在低訊號雜音比 (Signal to Noise Ratio, SNR) 時仍有優秀的性能表現。我們也提出詳細的數學分析,分析出這些演算法的平均平方誤差值(Mean-squared Error, MSE)並以數學模擬來驗證我們的分析結果。
The frequency uncertainty associated with an orthogonal frequency
division multiplexing (OFDM) signal, depending on the application,
can be as large as many tens subcarrier spacings. This carrier
frequency offset (CFO) uncertainty is usually partitioned into an
integer part and a fractional part and must be compensated for
before other synchronization and demodulation operations take
This thesis presents complete optimal (in the generalized maximum
likelihood sense) and near-optimal solutions for the above CFO
compensation problem. Based on the generalized maximum likelihood
(ML) principle and assuming the availability of pilot symbols, we
derive efficient algorithms for estimating either the fractional
part or the integer part of the CFO, assuming a
fractional-then-integer frequency synchronization procedure.
By deriving the ML fractional CFO estimates based on repetitive
identical training symbols, we show that all previous
correlation-based algorithms use only a part of the sufficient
statistic. We then convert the problem of obtaining the ML
solution from searching exhaustively over the entire uncertainty
range to that of solving a spectrum polynomial whence greatly
reduce the computational load. By properly truncating the spectrum
polynomial, we obtain a closed-form expression for the
corresponding zeros so that the root-searching procedure is much
The complexity of locating the desired root is further reduced at
almost no expense of performance degradation by an alternate
algorithm that uses the fact that the solution is related to the
root of a special factor of the polynomial. This alternate method
is very attractive for its simplicity and excellent performance
that, even at low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs), is very close to
the corresponding Cram\'{e}r-Rao lower bound. We also present
detailed analysis of the mean-squared error (MSE) performance and
validate our analysis by simulations.
The frequency ambiguity due to the presence of an integer CFO
should be resolved once the fractional part has been estimated. We
propose a special pilot symbols structure that can be used in both
fractional and integer CFO estimations. A class of new ML integer
CFO estimation algorithms is derived and the associated
performance is presented. The pilot structure is a generalization
of some earlier proposals and our derivation gives these proposal
a unified theoretical foundation. To reduce the estimation
complexity, we examine some variations of the ML estimate and
suggest a two-stage method whose performance is almost as good as
that of the optimal estimate.
Appears in Collections:Thesis