Title: 新竹科學工業園區交通銀行分行客戶對銀行兼營保險業務接受意願之研究
A Study of Clients’ Willingness to Accept Bancassurance in Chiao Tung Bank Hsin-chu Science Industry Park Branch
Authors: 徐夙慧
Su-Hui Hsu
Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 銀行保險;消費者行為;生活型態;市場區隔;bancassurance;consumer behavior;lifestyle;marketing segmentation
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 在金融市場邁向自由化與國際化之際,金融業者為維持業務之成長並創造有利之發展空間,彼此相互結合之趨勢已越來越明顯,銀行兼營保險業務在國外已行之有年,此乃是國外銀行業為求解決利潤縮減之經營困境所發展出來的一項創造銀行利潤之市場利基。我國銀行業者受到歐洲國家銀行保險之成功經驗及國內郵政儲金匯業局簡易人壽保險業務經營績效卓著的激勵,正掀起一股跨業兼營保險的熱潮,但不論在實務或學術研究上,此議題仍在起步階段。本研究除了探究國外銀行業兼營保險的成功經驗,與目前國內銀行業行銷保險之現況,進一步期望透過本研究來了解國內銀行客戶對於銀行跨業兼營保險的接受程度,以供銀行業者擬定行銷策略之參考。 本研究以EKB模式中之消費者決策過程作為本研究之架構,以AIO生活型態變數作為市場區隔的基礎,以銀行保險之產品屬性與人口統計變數作為投入變數,透過消費時態變數對銀行客戶之消費行為作描述,以提供銀行業者選擇目標市場及制定行銷策略之參考。 本研究以新竹科學園區交通銀行分行客戶之消費者為抽樣對象進行研究,研究結果顯示,銀行保險之消費者可透過生活型態變數作有效的市場區隔,研究結果將銀行客戶區分為「品牌衝動型」、「便利購物型」及「精打細算型」,各區隔市場銀行客戶除了在人口統計變數之「性別」、產品評估準則變數之「行銷通路普遍性」、「形象及受到消費者信任之程度」、「提供顧客多樣化金融服務的能力」、「對顧客購買保險與投保行為具便利性」、「與顧客熟悉程度」無顯著差異外,其餘在資訊來源變數及消費實態變數上皆有顯著差異。
While the financial markets are going liberalization and globalization, the trend of cooperations between different financial industries is becoming more obvious to keep business growth and create opptunities for benefit. Bancassurance has been implemented for several years in foreign banks. The foreign banks developed a profitable niche market to solve the crisis of profit margin shrinkage. The banks in our country were inspired by successful experiences of bancassurance in European banks and the insurance business of the post office in Taiwan. Bancassurance is pretty hot in domestic banks. But this issue is still in the beginning in both practical and academic fields. This research is not only on successful experience of bancassurace in other countries, but also to study the willingness to accept bancassurace of clients of domestic banks. The results can be a reference for designing their bancassurace strategies. In this research, the EKB model is used as a conceptual framework, and the AIO lifestyle variables are used as a basis for market segmentation. Bancassurance product attributes and demographic factors are used as independent variables. Consumption reality variables are used to describe the behavior of consumers. The analysis results of all of these variables provide the banks for selecting their goal markets and designing their marketing strategies. The samples are from the clients in Hsin-Chu Science Industry Park Branch of Chiao Tung Bank. The results show:Bancassurance customers can be successfully segmented by lifestyle variables, such as ”Brand-Impulsive Buyer”、 “Convenience Oriented Buyer” and ”Price Oriented Buyer”,Only “gender” in demographic variables and “marketing channel availability”, “image and trustworthiness”, ”capability of providing variety of finance services “, ”convenience of buying insurance” and ”familiarity with clients” in the variables of evaluation criteria for attributes of products are insignificant for product selection. The information source variables and consumption reality variables are significant.
Appears in Collections:Thesis