標題: 行動電話加值服務經營模式之研究
A Study on Moble Internet Business Model
作者: 李麗雲
Li-Yun Lee
Chiun-Sin Lin
關鍵字: 行動加值服務;創新接受;生活型態;產品屬性;市場區隔;Mobile Internet services;innovation adoption;lifestyle;product attributes;marketing segmentation
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 行動電話加值服務,或稱行動上網、行動數據、Mobile Internet等,是「Mobile」及「Internet」的整合性產業。自1999年起,台灣就有電信業者開始提供相關服務,然而,其用戶數佔所有行動電話使用者之比率仍低於百分之一。因此,台灣的行動通訊業者的當務之急是趕緊找出能為顧客創造價值、讓客戶心甘情願付費的行動電話加值服務。 有鑑於此,本研究嘗試探索哪一種行動上網營運模式可以符合使用者之需求。首先,對日本NTT DoCoMo自1999年2月22日推出行動電話加值服務「i-mode」成功之實際案例,進行其關鍵成功因素探討;經過各類文獻資料整理、研究與分析,結果得出影響之關鍵成功因素如下:1.擁有高階管理者之授權與重視2.行銷手法成功3.開發出「好用」又「經濟」的產品4.手機廠商配合DoCoMo需求生產i-mode手機5.封閉網路、開放標準、營收分享的商務模式成功。 另,藉由行動電話市場消費者行為及行動上網市場的消費需求,透過Roger's創新採用理論,作為行動上網服務產品屬性接受程度之推論。並探討行動消費者是否能以生活型態變數作為區隔基礎,並對各集群消費者加以適當描述,以提供業者制定行銷策略。 本研究以參觀台中市九十一年度「2002中區電信暨網路大展」之中部地區行動電話消費者為對象進行問卷研究,研究顯示,行動電話消費者可以生活型態變數作區隔,各區隔市場消費者,在變數上之「性別」、「職業」、「興趣」、「最有興趣內容」等有顯著差異。消費者得知的資訊來源,主要為電視報章雜誌、網路媒體、及電信業者;消費者最想透過「行動上網服務」產品,從事的活動,主要是收發e-mail及生活資訊之應用;月租費價位接受程度以150元以下者佔約75.3%居多數。
Abstract Mobile Internet is a product that combine mobile phone and internet .The telecommunication operators have been offering these services since 1999 in Taiwan .However ,the number of it’s users still less than 1% of all mobile phone’s users .The key point to the telecommunication operators in Taiwan is to find out what value could be provided to the consumers and let them willing to pay more for mobile internet services. The purpose of this paper ,is to explore what kind of mobile internet business model will meet the requirements of the mobile users . First ,the research focuses on the Critical Success Factors(CSF)of why NTT DoCoMo’s 「i-mode」service offering since Feb.22,1999 have been so successful in Japan. After researching a lot books and documents ,finds the following key CSF of「i-mode」:1.support from senior executive;2.good marketing strategies;3.the product is nice and cheap enough;4.hansets’s specific depend on the requirements of DoCoMo 5.Win-Win business model is successful. Second ,the thesis while using Roger's Innovation Adoption Theory as its frame, is to identify the acceptance of the mobile internet services based on mobile consumers' preference and their demand for the services. In addition, we try to find out whether the mobile consumers can be segregated by life style so as to describe their characteristics and to provide our research results to the Telecommunication operators formulate their marketing strategies. The samples we used for this study are the Central Taiwan area mobile consumers who attending to the Aug. 2002 Central Taiwan Communication & Network Exhibits. The research concludes the following results: From the samples we discovered that mobile users can be effectively segregated by life style. There are significant differences among clusters in parameters sex、job、interesting strength、and preference content .And, Primary sources of such mobile internet services information comes from TV,newspapers,magazines、internet, and from telecommunication industry. Majority of the sample attendants showed strong interests in the applications of e-mail and living information’s offered. Accepted the monthly fee of basic services on under NT150 about 75.3%.