Title: 產業群聚程度對創新績效影響之研究-以新竹科學園區電子業廠商為例
The Effects of Industrial Clusters levels on Innovation Performance-An Empirical Study of Electronic Industry Firms in Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park
Authors: 謝超民
Chao-Ming Hsieh
Prof. Quang-Hua Chen
Keywords: 產業群聚;創新績效;Industry clusters;Innovation performance
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 台灣的產業環境以中小企業為主,在技術和創新研發水準上落後歐美日等先進國家,而生產成本卻又遠高於如中國大陸等新興國家,發展創新能力以創造競爭優勢巳成為我國產業面對全球化挑戰的惟一策略。 許多學者建議,在群聚互動網路中的企業可以籍由此互動網路獲得知識、資訊、資本和物資等互補性資源,以及風險分擔和資源共享等優勢,有助於創新活動之發展。本研究以近年來對我國產業發展具代表性貢獻的新竹科學園區電子業廠商為例,試圖透過相關文獻的整理並配合實證的方式來探討台灣的產業群聚效應如何影響創新能力。 本研究以全體新竹科學園區電子業廠商為研究對象,進行普查,共發出324份問卷,回收有效問卷72份,並採用典型相關、複迴歸等方法來分析所得之實證資料。 研究結果傾向於認為產業群聚程度較高時,會有較佳的整體創新績效表現,意即相關機構、廠商間地理上的聚集或彼此互動的程度,對於其整體創新績效表現具有顯著的預測力。進一步探討產業群聚程度對創新績效各構面的影響,結果發現,產業群聚程度對「產品創新」、「製程創新」、「策略創新」均有顯著影響,對「組織創新」則無顯著影響。因此本研究建議,對於倚賴創新能力為主要競爭優勢來源的產業,建議政府單位結合產、官、學、研各界,整合資源,創造有利於產業群聚發展的環境,以藉由產業群聚效應提升創新能力,提升台灣產業的競爭力。
Small and medium enterprises(SMES) have played critical roles on Taiwan’s economic construction. Limited by the scale of enterprises, the technical level and R&D ability of Taiwan’s SMEs falls behind the enterprises in advanced countries such as Europe countries, USA and Japan. Moreover, the production cost in Taiwan is much higher than cost in emerging countries such as Mainland China. To confront this situation, developing innovation ability to create the competitive advantages has been the only strategy for Taiwan’s economy facing the challenge of globalization. Many academies suggested that the enterprises in the interative network of cluster could acquire complementary resources as knowledge, information, capital and material, as well as the advantages of averaging risks and sharing resources, which were beneficial to develop innovation activities from this interactive network. The electronic industry firms in Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park is the representative of economic developing in Taiwan for recent years and choosen as the object for this study to examin how industry clusters in Taiwan effect innovation performance by reviewing related literatures and empirical survey. This study apply a general survey to all electronic firms in Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park - 324 questionaries are mailed to the upper managements, 72 effective questionaries are received, and Canonical Correlation Analysis and Mutiple Regression Analysis are used for the data analysis. The result of this study demonstrates that higher industry clusters level will effect higher integral innovation performance, it means the level of geographic aggregating and interactive between the related organizations or firms can predict integral innovation performance conspicuously. Futher analysing the effects on the each construct of innovation performance respectively, the results demonstrates that higher industry clusters level will effect higher performance of “innovation on products”, “innovation on producing procedures” and “innovation on strategies”, but won’t effect the higher performance of “innovation on organizing”. Therefore, this study suggests, to those industries which rely on innovation capability as their core competitive advantage, the government shall unify the fields of industries, official units, education units and research institutes to intergrate the resources and create advantageous environment for developing industrial clusters to advance the innovation capability as well as competitive capacity of Taiwan’s industries.
Appears in Collections:Thesis