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dc.contributor.authorChung-cheng Huangen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr.Jen-Hung Huangen_US
dc.description.abstract臍帶血自費存放的觀念,近年來正逐漸地受到大眾的注意。同時在臍帶血銀行積極地行銷佈局之下,臍帶血存放與否?似已成了新科父母所必須思考的另一議題了。由於臍帶血保存及應用,涉及到的專業性與不確定性,使得此一正在演進中的科技和觀念,正面臨著許多檢視和挑戰。 基於成本效益、以及風險迴避的考量;臍帶血銀行與顧客之間,正努力地建構出一個獨特的市場。其中唯妙的平衡,究竟將何去何從?則是此一產業的經營者和研究者感覺興趣的。 本文作為行銷策略的前驅研究,主要在探討:(1)顧客本身的健康意識與認知(2)自覺罹病風險(3)人口學因素(4)臍帶血保存觀念的認知程度以及(5)過去的保存經驗(6)健康作為的的積極程度,對於臍帶血保存態度之影響。 結果顯示:臍帶血保存觀念的認知程度、以及過去的保存經驗、健康作為的的積極程度、還有健康的意識與認知,對於臍帶血保存態度,呈現統計學上有意義的正相關。 本研究在學術上的意涵:親自參與產品(服務)見證,可以強化各式資訊的認知和情感,進而產生更強烈的態度。其次在實務上的意涵則是強調:新型態的服務與產品,必須透過---增加認知、以及促銷、試用,等手段,才能逐漸獲得顧客正向的迴饋。最後:若是想以人口學變項來作市場區隔(Segmentation),可能沒有顯著的效果。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractUmbilical cord blood banking is getting more and more attentions by the public recently. With aggressive marketing campaign hold by the profit cord blood bank, it has become an issue for the expecting parents to consider about saving umbilical cord blood for their newborn babies. Preservation and application of umbilical cord blood would contain some special knowledge and uncertainty, which make this evolving technology and idea under a lot of scrutiny and challenges from the society. Based on cost-efficiency principle as well as risk-aversion principle the profit blood banks and the customers are constructing an unique market. Where this intriguing balance will go is most interesting to the managers and the scholars. As a preliminary study, this paper would focus on the correlations between a. Health consciousness b. Awareness of the risk of getting a disease c. Anthropological variances d. Cognition about umbilical cord blood banking e. Previous cord blood banking experience f. Extent of healthy behavior and the attitude for cord blood banking. The results show some significant positive correlation between the attitude for cord blood banking and the cognition about umbilical cord blood banking/ previous cord blood banking experience/ extent of healthy behavior/ health consciousness. The academic implication for this study is real experience in product consumption would reinforce the affect component of product cognition which would cause even stronger attitude. The practical implication of this study would emphasize on that a newly introduced product should go through product cognition enhancement, promotion, product trial to gain a positive feedback from the customers. Finally the anthropological variances seem not so helpful in doing marketing segmentations according to this study.en_US
dc.subjectUmbilical cord blood bankingen_US
dc.titleA cognition and attitude study for umbilical cord blood banking~ An example of working employees in the Taiwan Hsinchu Science-Based Industrial Parken_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis