Title: 燈源加熱之垂直快速加熱爐內藉環形塊狀物和爐體倒裝去壓制混和對流流場
Suppression of Mixed Convective Vortex Flow in a Model Lamp Heated Vertical Rapid Thermal Processor by Installating an Annular Block or with an Upside Down Orientation
Authors: 戴明吉
Ming-Ji Dai
Tsing-Fa Lin
Keywords: 快速加熱爐;環形塊狀物;爐體倒裝;混和對流流場;Rapid Thermal Processor;Annular Block;Upside Down Orientation;Mixed Convective Vortex Flow
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 本篇論文是利用實驗的流場觀測方法,在燈源加熱之快速加熱爐內在多孔板正下方放置一環形塊狀物去探究其浮力驅動渦旋流(buoyancy induced vortex flow)可能的壓制,而氣流回流是如何被這些塊狀物所影響將詳細的被研究。實驗的四個不同塊狀物其氣體流量變化是從4到20 slpm並且晶圓和進氣溫差是從5℃到20℃被測試。
Experimental flow visualization is conducted in the present study to explore the possible suppression of the buoyancy induced vortex flow in a model, lamp heated vertical rapid thermal processor by installing an annular block right below the showerhead of the processor. How the gas flow recirculation affected by the presence of the block will be investigated in detail. In the experiment four different blocks are tested for the gas flow rate varied from 4 to 20 slpm and the wafer-to-inlet gas temperature difference from 5℃ to 20℃.
The side view flow photos taken from the processing chamber installed with the different blocks are compared with those taken from the chamber without installing any block. The results indicate that the installation of a large block can substantially suppress and stabilize the buoyancy induced vortex flow. For some cases the buoyancy induced flow can be completely eliminated. Moreover, the increase in the block height is found to be very effective in suppressing buoyancy induced vortex roll due to the reduction of space for the radial flow moving along the wafer. The increase in the radial dimension of the block, which accelerates the axial flow in the chamber, is less effective in suppressing the buoyancy induced roll but is effective in suppressing the small inner roll. A flow regime map is provided to delineate the flow patterns in the chamber installed with the different blocks.
Besides, the gas flow in the processing chamber with an upside down orientation can effectively suppress the natural convection effects and only a small circular roll appears in the outer zone of the chamber when the gas flow rate is not high.
Appears in Collections:Thesis