標題: 基於次像素邊緣圖和區域關連性的影像放大方法
Image Magnification Based on the Sub-Pixel Edge Map and Local Correlation
作者: 張家銘
Chia-Ming Chang
Sheng-Fuu Lin
關鍵字: 影像放大;次像素邊緣圖;Image Magnification;Sub-Pixel Edge Map
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 由於影像的內容是千變萬化的,若利用固定的演算法來對整張影像做放大,便有可能造成影像中的一些部分有著不錯的放大效果,但某些部份則否。本論文提出一種利用次像素邊緣圖和區域關連性做為依據來設計的模糊推論影像放大系統,針對每個小區域的影像特性做出不同的放大方法,以改善輸出影像之品質。
There are miscellaneous kinds of contents in an image. When images are enlarged by an immobile algorithm, the output image quality maybe good in some areas but faulty in certain areas. In this thesis, a method of image magnification is proposed to improve the output image quality by applying the fuzzy logic control system to analyze the information of sub-pixel edge map and local correlation characteristics to infer the appropriate way for enlargement of the small cells of the input image.
The edge map-based interpolation method can preserve high frequency information during the process of image magnification. Besides, the image characteristics can be known by using the local correlation information that can be used to modify mistakes in the sub-pixel edge map. After adequate information is available by some steps, the fuzzy inference system can then be used to make information more effective for analysis. And an appropriate magnification algorithm will be chosen according to the inference system outputs.
In this thesis, several real images are experimented as inputs of the proposed image magnification system. From these experiments, output images can be obtained with more natural appearance and more consistency with human vision.