標題: 整合型網際網路監控系統
Internet-Based Remote Monitoring Control System
作者: 林勝章
Sheng-Chang Lin
Shir-Kuan Lin
關鍵字: 遠端監控;遠端桌面;視訊;Remote Monitoring Control System;Internet;JAVA applet;CCD camera;server;client
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 隨著網際網路的普及,其應用也越加廣泛,而遠端監控即是目前熱門的應用之一。藉由網路,可以在世界的任何地方,了解到受觀測體的目前狀況,或者對受控體下命令,使其依指令工作。 本論文利用BORLAND C++ BUILDER(BCB)結合JAVA來撰寫網路程式,其中JAVA Applet負責遠端電腦的傳輸與使用者介面,BCB負責主機端的監控與傳輸,並將指令在此作處理,因Applet透過Internet送至Client之瀏覽器,故Client不需額外安裝程式即可進行遠端監控。值得一提的是,Server端是以Windows為作業系統的主機上使用,而Client端將不受限於Windows作業系統,亦可在其他附有JAVA VM瀏覽器上的作業系統使用,將帶給使用者極大的方便。 硬體部分是一個連接至Server電腦的攝影機,透過視訊擷取的畫面經過壓縮後,會傳送至Client端,受控體是一個主機端的電腦,可由Client端透過網路來對Server進行控制。
The more popular internet become,the wider use of network are. Remote control system is one of the most popular application.whereever we are,we can observe the current status of client or manipulate it by giving command. BORLAND C++ BUILDER(BCB) and JAVA will be used to write network programming in this paper. JAVA Applet provides transmission and graphic user interface for client while BCB provides transmission and monitoring function for server through processing instruction. A client doesn't neet to install any other sofeware to execute remote control because the Applet is sent to the client's browser through internet. Particularly,server site is limited to windows operation system but the client isn't. The JAVA applet can be used in other OS,whose browser has JAVA VM. It is much convenient for users. The hardware is composed of a CCD camera which is connected to server,and the compressed pictures from CCD camera are sent to client site. The controlled object is a computer server.Users can control server site through internet from client site.