標題: 可調式高分子光波導光學衰減器之設計與製作
Design and Fabrication of Polymer Waveguide Variable Optical Attenuator
作者: 王勝聰
Hseng-Tsong Wang
祁 甡
Sien Chi
關鍵字: 光衰減;光通訊;高分子光波導;熱光效應;optical attenuation;optical communication;polymer waveguide;thermal-optical effect
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 近年來高分子聚合物材料的發展,使其具有價格低廉、低光學傳播損耗(最低可達0.01dB/cm)、高T/O係數、高玻璃移轉溫度(Tg=250℃~400℃)、及製作方便等優點,已被廣泛的應用在光被動與主動元件的製作上。在本論文中,我們提出了一個高分子熱光式光波導光學衰減器。元件的架構是以高分子材料做導光層、玻璃為基板之S型嵌入式光波導,並且在光通訊C-band區,能夠得到令人滿意的衰減量。此光波導彎曲之設計非常適合使用黃光微影技術來製作,並且可以來控制光波導彎曲所造成的能量損耗。在長度4850mm之S型嵌入式光波導製作完成後,其光學衰減量可達到30dB。此外,此元件製作設計非常適合與其他平面光波導光通訊元件整合成各式光通訊應用模組。
Polymer with low propagation loss, high glass transition temperature(Tg), and high thermooptic coefficient have been used worldwide for photonic components. In this paper, a polymer thermooptic waveguide type variable optical attenuator is proposed. The S-shape buried waveguide structure with polymer core and silica cladding that attenuates light with satisfactory optical attenuation through the spectrum from 1.52mm to 1.57mm is presented. The waveguide bend design is compatible with photolithography fabrication techniques and operates by controlling waveguide bend radiation loss. For a 4850mm bend length, optical attenuation of 30dB has been achieved after we carry out that device. In addition, this design is suitable to integrate with planar lightwave devices to fabricate the monolithic optical modules in application of optical communication.


  1. 061403301.pdf

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