DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorDaniel Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorDr. Anthony F. Hanen_US
dc.description.abstract台灣掃瞄器產業自1984年發展至今已有19年歷史,在激烈的競爭環境下,由1997年全盛時期有40多家公司投入此產業,到2002年只剩下9家,戰況慘烈,最後市場分工與角色定位已明朗化,各自以不同經營策略分食這塊成熟的大餅,這19年來,掃瞄器產業在台灣的發展,為本土性資訊產品如何能躍居世界主流產品,留下輝煌記錄與見證,在整體國際化競爭環境的快速變遷下,台灣在掃瞄器產業完全展現優異的一面,不論事實多麼殘酷,卻也驗證了企業生存與成功的關鍵要因,如何善用運籌管理策略,在經歷高科技龍捲風暴考驗後仍能站穩供應鏈主導位置是為本研究之重點所在。 本研究除了記述台灣企業對主流產品的投資熱潮與快速清理戰場的能力之外,也十足表達本土企業於競爭過程中,總會面臨到國際大廠品牌與通路的威脅,絕少機會可以在供應鏈系統中通吃,於是必須找到各自的定位與價值鏈。藉由虹光公司個案研究可了解到中小企業如何因應快速變動環境,藉由ODM代工取得經濟規模,又如何轉型到精緻化經營,以擺脫代工的陰影,堅守核心價值定位,研發與創新,並採取自有品牌與代工並行,不做無獲利之成長之策略,繼續維持與客戶的特殊競合平衡,創造獨特性夥伴關係與差異化運籌管理模式。本研究亦希望能提供給台灣企業在ODM代工模式的參考與借zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe image scanner industry has a history of just over 19 years in Taiwan, dating back to 1985. Around 40 companies were involved in the industry in 1997 , but only nine remained by 2002, as severe competition forced all but the most strongest out of the industry. The survivors share common characteristics of mature marketing, excellent global logistics, and the innovativeness required to make the local industry a world leader. Although the surviving companies still facing a tough battle, they have the characteristics required to maintain a strong position in the global supply chain. This study not only examines the rapid change in the Taiwanese industry, including the changing trends in the involvement of venture in the industry, but also highlights the weakness of local brands and global sales channels, problems that are especially serious given the importance of obtaining a strategic position in the value chain. The case study of Avision Inc. demonstrates that most enterprises face a fast changing environment and pursue a scale oriented business model based on high volumes of ODM order, an approach that risks leading to profitless growth . Therefore, Taiwanese image scanner producers face the problem of – how to increase their profitability by becoming leaner while simultaneously cultivating their own brand marketing and ODM businesses, and also maintaining good partnerships with customers. The case study examined here provides a good example of how to identify a strategy for establishing a competitive balance, as well as creating deferential value through enterprise innovation and core competence.en_US
dc.subjectImage Scanneren_US
dc.titleGlobal Logistics Strategies for Scanner Industry in the Fast Changing Environment: A Case Study of Avision Incorporationen_US