標題: 化妝品業品牌、通路與價格間相互關係之研究-以廣州市化妝品市場為例
Analysis of The Relationship among Brands, Places, and Prices of Cosmetics.-Taking City of Guangzou as Sample Market
作者: 陳式穀
Shih-Ko Chen
Quang-Hua Chen
關鍵字: 化妝品業;通路;品牌;顧客滿意度;Cosmetic;Place;Brand;Customer Satisfaction
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究以華南地區廣州市爲研究範圍,探討化妝品品牌、通路與價格間的定位問題,同時探討女性對於化妝品的顧客滿意、重要性與服務價值之關係。將化妝品的顧客滿意度與重要性分成七個構面分析,消費者重視且滿意屬性,主要以產品構面為主,消費者十分重視但卻不甚滿意,包含價格水準、服務人員構面,廠商需要積極來加強這些屬性的服務。 本研究進一步分析,百貨公司化妝品專櫃是消費者最主要購買化妝品地點,而消費者於百貨公司購買化妝品,最主要購買動機是愛美與肌膚保養,且購買價位較高。消費者到折扣化妝品專賣店和量販店購買,主要是受到促銷手法吸引,而藥妝店或個人商店,則為化妝品正好用完,及方便性和妝飾自己,此兩種通路以價格作為主要競爭力吸引顧客。在美容店與直銷,消費者最主要購買動機是愛美與肌膚保養,且其透過美容店與直銷所購買化妝品金額最高。 當消費者動機為愛美和肌膚保養時主要會去美容店消費且購買金額最為四種通路最高,廠商能在此發展著力點深,應該好好保握此一市場。消費者願在百貨公司選購化妝品,其所重視的因素非價格高低,故建議業者應加强專櫃小姐專業知識與服務的實質效用,至於産品使用期限與各種促銷活動也應增加,使其覺得物超所值。最後建議應突出其産品或品牌具備其他品牌之産品所沒有的獨特設計與特性,使其對其他産品或品牌産生排他性,進而使消費者成爲重復購買者的忠誠者。
This research has selected the City of Quangzhou in southern China as a sample market in an effort to investigate the positioning issue for cosmetic products among brand names, places and pricings. The study has also analyzed the relationships between the area's female consumers and the cosmetic products' customer satisfaction, degree of importance and service value. In the analyses, customer satisfaction and degree of importance have been divided into seven dimensions. It appears that the consumers have demonstrated high degree of importance and high level of satisfaction on the product dimension. On the other hand, the consumers seem to consider the dimensions of pricing level and service personnel very important, but not quite satisfactory. Manufacturers or marketers of cosmetic products should improve these deficiencies aggressively. An indepth analysis further indicated that the prime motives for consumers to purchase cosmetic products from the retailers at the department stores are desires for beauty and skin care. The department stores are the main sources of cosmetic products for these consumers, who are able to accommodate higher pricing levels. The discount cosmetics stores and large-quantity retailers attract consumers with promotions and sales, while pharmaceutical or convenient shops rely on convenience. The main competitive force for these two market channels has been to attract customers through pricing. For beauty shops and direct-supply stores, customers' motives are desires for beauty and skin care. Their focuses are on the product and the service personnel dimensions. Beauty shops and direct supply stores have observed the highest customer spending. From the standpoint of cosmetics retailers at the department stores, incentives that causing consumers to purchase cosmetics are beauty and skin care. However, its prices are slightly higher than other stores. As for the discount cosmetics stores and retailers, consumers are attracted by their marketing strategy; while pharmaceutical/cosmetics shops are mainly focusing on convenience and low price. For those who value product characteristics and service quality prefer beauty salon, which have the highest price range. When consumers' considerations are on beauty and skin care, they would mostly visit beauty salon and spend the highest amount of money among the four marketing channels described above. Cosmetics manufacturers and marketers should take the advantage and develop this market further. Since the customers who are willing to visit department stores would not be too concerned about pricing, it is suggested that the venders should improve the reatilers' professional knowledge and service effectiveness. Product expiration dates and promotion activities should also be emphasized to give customers a sense of value over price. Lastly, it is recommended to differentiate products' uniqueness in designs and characteristics to nurture customers' rejections toward other products/brands and to establish customer loyalty.