Title: 企業價值導向管理制度之研究 - 以香港南順集團公司為例
Value Based Management: A Case Study of Lam Soon Hong Kong Group
Authors: 朱立德
Leader Li-Teh Chu
Dr. Chih-Young Hung
Keywords: 企業價值管理;股東價值;世界工業藍圖;財務優質化;主要工作目標範圍;Value Based Management;Shareholder Value;GIMP;FME;KRA
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 企業經營的挑戰是在透過各種管理方法與手段及投資融資活動強化企業的價值;最終達到股東價值最大化的目的。這個目標雖然明確,但是在產業界能夠成功達到這個目標,仍然是少數。關鍵問題就在於如何將企業的目標或願景,透過一系列的管理活動加以貫穿執行。本論文透過對個案公司深入的資料收集與整理,歸納研究出一家傳統企業如何透過價值管理體制的建立,落實價值管理的目標。本研究的內容有:
(一) 找出企業策略活動中,能增加企業價值的活動。
(二) 以個案的研究,發展出價值管理策略活動的方法與架構,可對未來企業價值導向,與企業評價提供經營決策參考之用。
The management more and more realizes that it is a challenge of managing businesses through vary management process and financing activities to create and maximize superior long-term value for shareholders eventually. This business target is precise and clearly understand by most of management, however, the traditional earning measures does not reflect the real value creation, it is still rare of companies to achieve the goal. Value-based Management is a framework for measuring and a management philosophy, which uses analytical tools and processes to focus an organization on the single objective of creating shareholder value. This thesis will base on a case study of Lam Soon Hong Kong’s management program which is essentially a management approach and driving philosophy to maximize shareholder value. The objective of this thesis is:
(1) Finding the practices or strategies of a business, which deliver superior value for the shareholder.
(2) Based on the case study to understand the method and practices through competence leadership who is fully committed to deliver superior values to the shareholders by maximizing the value of all the dynamic components of the business
Appears in Collections:Thesis