標題: 台灣手機廠商在大陸經營策略之研究
A Strategic Analysis of Taiwanese Mobile Communications Handset Manufactures in the Markets of China
作者: 楊桂山
Kuei-Shan Yang
Joseph Z. Shyu
關鍵字: 手機;國家產業組合模式;策略定位;經營策略;GSM;CDMA;Handset;industrial portfolio model;industry position;operation strategy;GSM;CDMA;mobil communications
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 大陸手機市場對於台灣廠商而言,是一個新興且具發展潛力的市場。因此本研究期望分析出兩岸手機產業中的定位,研究台灣與大陸在手機產業發展趨勢中扮演的角色,並以國家產業組合模式分析兩岸之發展策略與配合條件,並且在兩岸競爭與合作的情勢中,制訂台灣手機業者的經營策略。 本研究之主要架構以產業組合分析模式為基礎,建構出手機產業組合分析模式,定位分析構面縱軸為策略群組,而橫軸為手機產業價值鏈。本研究將手機產業區隔為兩個部分探討,分別是GSM系統與CDMA系統,利用產業組合分析模式繪製出台灣與大陸手機製造業的定位;根據分析結果,提出台灣手機業者在中國手機市場中的可能經營策略。 本研究結果顯示,台灣手機產業目前與未來的策略定位主要都是在營運效能領導者與親密顧客導向,而中國大陸手機產業的策略定位則是在產品領導者與營運效能領導者。依據分析資料歸納,台灣手機業者的型態大多數是以ODM代工與貼牌,目前主要定位在生產/製造與營運效能領導者;未來對於大陸市場的經營策略有兩個方向,品牌策略與IDM策略(Innovaton-design-manufacture strategy)。品牌走向的經營策略需要市場面的產業創新需求要素配合,規劃的具體執行方式有:(1)與當地廠商合作發展品牌與通路、(2)建立屬於大陸『當地化的品牌』、(3)整合性產品;IDM走向的經營策略需要環境面的產業創新要素配合,規劃的具體執行方式有:(1)加強自主性設計、(2)供應關鍵性零組件、(3)掌握3G技術的推展進程、(4)資本性資產擴充的考量。
This thesis reports on a portfolio analysis for the strategic development of the handset for mobile communications industry across the Taiwan Strait, particularly the handset firms operating in the markets of China. The objective of this study is to identify those critical elements contributing to the market competitiveness in China for firms from Taiwan, thus providing the industry with positioning strategy at different market segments. The handset industry is segmented two sectors, namely, the GSM and the CDMA systems. The portfolio model entails a 2-dimensional analysis, in which the strategic grouping and the value chain of the industry are used as, respectively, the vertical and horizontal axes. Results reveal that Taiwan’s industry is positioned at the segment of “Operation excellence” and “Customer intimacy”, and the most favorable strategy for Taiwanese firms is to position as ODM suppliers. China’s industry is positioned at the segment of “Product leadership” and “Operation excellence”. The preferred strategy in China should focus on marketing and design of the handsets. Detailed operating strategies are establishing joint-forces alliance for the development of local brands, developing of indigenous capability in design and integrated SCM, systems product integration, continual investment in the 3G technology, and conditions of expanding capital asset.