Title: | 運用模糊多評準決策方法探討臺灣發展醫療暨生技器材產業之重點 Fuzzy MCDM Approach for Exploring the Opportunity of Medical & Biotech Device Industry in Taiwan |
Authors: | 彭繼賢 Jesse -C.H Peng 虞孝成 Hsiao-Cheng Yu 管理學院科技管理學程 |
Keywords: | 層級分析法;三角模糊數;模糊多評準決策方法;Analytical Hierarchy Process;Triangular Fuzzy Number;Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Method |
Issue Date: | 2002 |
Abstract: | 醫療器材業與生技產業、醫藥工業組成生物技術產業的整體範疇。民國86年行政院宣示5年內投入新台幣200億元投資生物科技產業,此為政府視生物科技醫療產業為國家重點發展工業項目之始。我國的產業結構以具有工程及精密製造基礎與靈活創新的中小企業體系為主,隨著近二十年來的電子業與資訊業的蓬勃發展,將我國經濟發展層次推向新的高峰,在考慮結合既有基礎與未來市場競爭機會之考量下,發展醫療暨生技器材產業實有其獨特的利基。有鑑於醫療暨生技器材產業所涵蓋的範圍非常廣泛,為集中有限的資源與充份利用臺灣所特有的優勢,以投入最俱競爭力的醫療暨生技器材產業,發展一評估醫療暨生技器材產業的準則權重系統實有其必要性。因此,本研究之主要目的在探討如何遴選臺灣醫療暨生技器材產業最適發展方向所需考慮之因素準則,以及如何利用此因素準則評選最適合臺灣醫療暨生技器材產業之發展方向。本研究針對不同背景、學歷的生技學者專、醫療暨生技器材業者與其他領域人士進行問卷調查,共分為四階段研究,第一階段蒐集整理相關文獻,初步篩選出重要的評估項目。第二階段採用問卷調查,目的為依據第一階段研究的結果將十五項評估項目規類整理至三項構面,針對生技學者專家、醫療暨生技器材業者與其他領域人士的意見,利用層級分析法建立一評估準則與評量權重系統。研究結果顯示,臺灣醫療暨生技器材產業目標構面與評估準則考量之重點,以產業技術能力之構面(0.420)最高;其次為政府配套政策之構面(0.311);而產業發展環境之構面(0.269)較低。十五項評量準則之權重,以產業技術能力的研發創新機制(0.114)最為重要、其次依序為技術學習的能力(0.083)、市場需求動力(0.083)、生技人才培育政策(0.083)、智慧財產權的能力(0.082),最低為生產要素能力(0.040)。最後兩階段問卷則依專家意見,利用三角模糊數與模糊多評準決策方法,自九項醫療暨生技器材產業中評選出最適合臺灣發展之產業排序,依序為生理監視器、人工臟器、臨床檢驗器材、醫學影像器材、生活輔助器、手術器材、放射器材、物理治療器材,最後為輸液器材。以提供為投資參考,並可提供政府單位作為輔導臺灣醫療暨生技器材產業發展之依據。 The Medical Device Industry, Biotech Industry and Pharmaceuticals Industry compose the whole category of Life Science Industry. In 1997, Taiwan Government announced investment plan of totaling NT$2,000 million over 5 years into Taiwan Life Science Industry. The strengths in electronic and information industries in Taiwan constitute the competitive advantages of a medical and biotech device industry. Because there are a large variety of products in a wide-range of categories in this industry, it is important to know the strategic direction and investment priority. This thesis used a Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision-Making mode to consolidate opinions of experts in this field. Our analysis result concluded that technology is of the paramount importance, government policy and regulation is next, while the industry supply side and demand side structure is the third. The small and medium Businesses with innovative characteristics and precision manufacturing base have become the foundation of the Taiwan Industry. By following with the success of the electronic industry and information technology industry for the past 20 years, the Taiwan economic has been pushing forward to a newest level. Therefore, Medical & Biotech Device industry has its own monopolistic niche when considering combining the existing base with the competition chance in the future market. In consideration of the Medical & Biotech Device industry has covered a wide-ranging category, it is necessary to build up an evaluation criteria and weighting system to concentrate the limited resource and the specific advantage of Taiwan in the Medical & Biotech Device industry with the most competitiveness.The goal of this research is to establish and using the evaluation criteria on selection the best developmental direction of Medical & Biotech Device industry in Taiwan. Four phases of researches were conducted. The first phase of research was performed to screen 15 priorities as the evaluation factors chosen by the related reference. Surveying the questionnaire format through the Biotech experts, Medical Device industries and other domain specialists in Taiwan performed the second phase of research. Three major evaluation domains were then formed based on the nature of the 15 evaluation factors and five evaluation factors were arranged accordingly under each domain. A research method of Analytic Hierarchy Process was conducted to establish the evaluation criteria and weighting system. In summary, the “industrial technical capability” ranked highest amongst other domains and its weighed point is calculated as 0.114. The ranking order of weighed domains is the “industrial technical capability (0.420)”, “governmental related policies (0.311)” and “industry developmental environments (0.269)”. Regarding the top 15 evaluation factors, the ranking order of weighted top five evaluation factors is the “R&D innovation triggers (0.114)”, “technology learning capability (0.083)”, “market demanding driver (0.083)”, “biotech talents incubation policies (0.083)” and “intelligence proprietary management capability (0.082)”. The most unimportant factor is the “production capability” and weighted 0.040. Afterwards, the research methods of Triangular Fuzzy Number and Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Method were conducted which were based on the opinions provided from the experts to ranking the 9 Medical & Biotech Device industries, and the evaluation sequence of the industries are Physiologic Monitoring System, Artificial Organ, Clinical Diagnostic Device, Medical Image System, Welfare Instrument, Surgical Instrument, Radial Equipment, Physiotherapy Instrument, and the last, the Liquid Transportation Device. |
URI: | http://hdl.handle.net/11536/71198 |
Appears in Collections: | Thesis |