Title: 應用資料探勘技術於智慧型企業資源規劃系統
The Application of Data Mining Technology for Intelligent Enterprise Resource Planning System
Authors: 蔡永順
Yung-Shun Tsai
Dr. Ruey-Shun Chen
Keywords: 資料探勘;資料倉儲;決策樹;企業資源規劃;智慧型管理決策系統;Data Mining;Data Warehouse;Decision Tree;Enterprise Resource Planning;Intelligent Management Decision System
Issue Date: 2002
Abstract: 當企業紛紛完成ERP系統的導入應用之後,以其提昇營運效率的競爭優勢便逐漸消失。在知識經濟時代中,要掌握競爭優勢必須先掌握知識。能活化ERP系統蘊藏的有價數位資產,讓資料轉化成資訊、知識與智慧,提昇企業資訊系統的應用境界,將是企業建立差異化競爭優勢的關鍵。因此,本研究提出一套以ERP系統為基礎,並應用資料探勘技術,讓企業邁向商業智慧的系統架構。
most of the enterprises have already implemented the ERP system , so the competitive advantages using ERP system to enhance managing efficiency have lessened gradually. The enterprises create own competitive advantages as long as they master knowledge in the knowledge economy Age. The key issue that the enterprises create competitive advantages with a difference will depend on whether they take advantage of valuable digit assets in the ERP system , transform data into information , then transform information into knowledge and intelligence , and finally enhance the application level of business information system. This research proposes a system architecture that is based on the application of data mining technology for ERP system and helps enterprises to attain the business intelligence.
This research proposes a intelligent ERP system that integrates five theories including enterprise resource planning , data warehouse , online analytical processing , data mining , and artificial intelligence. The system architecture is based on a large number of current datas that were recorded by the ERP system. It consists of three stages including integrated ERP system and data warehouse , integrated data warehouse and decision analysis , integrated decision analysis and data mining system. And the research actually implements a prototyping system consisting of operational data level , warehouse data level , and intelligent application level. The data mining system is actually designed by using the decision tree algorithm and classification model. And it can discover the hidden and meaningful decision information. The results of newfound knowledge rules are represented by the rule-based knowledge representation of expert system and web browser.
The result of this research integrates ERP system and data mining system tightly. And it lets ERP system become intelligent management decision system due to the application of discovered knowledge. This research applies the intelligent ERP system to the electron information industry. It is applied to improve the problems of quality and find the correct knowledge rules about quality information. The discovered knowledge rules help enterprises to understand the characterizations of quality , and they let the factors of quality be at the mercy of enterprises. The benefit of intelligent ERP system is to turn this newfound knowledge into actionable results , such as increasing an average improvement rate of 29.4% over the short circuit of electronic parts , increasing an average improvement rate of 35.1% over the parts loosened , and increasing an average improvement rate of 33.3% over the quality of solder.
The proposed system architecture can be applied to lots of domains in order to help enterprises to enhance competence , such as customer profiling analysis , targeted marketing analysis , customer loyalty , customer retention , or customer segmentation.
Appears in Collections:Thesis