標題: 科層組織領導系統模式建構之研究— 以縣(市)警察局為例
A Research of Constructing a Leadership System Model of Bureaucratic Organizations – An Application on Law Enforcement
作者: 何軒昌
Hsien-Chang Ho
Dr. Fu-Song Lin
關鍵字: 官僚組織;領導系統;領導;系統;模式;警察;組織;Bureaucratic Organization;Leadership System;Leadership;System;Model;Police;Organization
公開日期: 2002
摘要: 本研究係將系統理論、組織理論、領導理論予以整合,建構一套「官僚組織領導系統模式」,並以警察機關為實證對象,採訪談法進行研究,分析結果證實了模式之適用性。而此模式的建構能夠提供各層級主管以不同的視野一窺組織領導的全貌,以解釋官僚組織領導的現象,進而達到預測、控制組織行為之境界。 從訪談中發現在警察機關,組織循環系統之因子各層級之認知不同。各層級領導人若能從「異中求同、同中求異」之道理,領會其相生相剋、生生不息之變化,並充分掌握及運用組織循環系統之正、負向因子,則組織之績效及滿意度將不斷提昇。 在官僚體制下,被領導人企盼受到尊重、公平、信任與感情的「人性」對待,係受訪者共同的心聲,值得領導人省思!
This thesis focuses on integration of system theory, organization theory, leadership theory to compose a “Bureaucratic Organization Leadership System Model,” and apply it to a law enforcement agency – the police department. Interviews and discussions carried out are recorded and analyzed which in turn verified the proposed model’s applicability. In addition, this model provides each management level a different view at the overall leadership organization and explain the phenomenon in bureaucratic leadership. This, in turn, can achieve prediction and control of organizational behavior. From interviews, we have found a cyclical organization system arising from different perspectives of each level. If the leadership in each level understands the benefits of working out differences to achieve creative teamwork and utilize organization’s positive/negative factors, then the efficiency and satisfactory performance will be enhanced. The need for respect, fairness, and trust by the members under the bureaucratic organization leadership was found in all interviewees, which reflects yet another important issue!