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dc.contributor.authorJung-Lin Chenen_US
dc.contributor.authorMin-Ton Loen_US
dc.contributor.authorMin-Chiuan Wangen_US
dc.description.abstract點對點傳輸之著作權侵害問題—以美國法為中心 研 究 生:陳榮林 指導教授:羅明通 博士 王敏銓 博士 國立交通大學科技法律研究所 摘要 點對點傳輸係目前網路上分享資訊之主流方式。對個人而言,電腦間直接溝通與分享資訊而不需透過伺服器,達成互助與共享,可將網路資源整合與累積;對企業而言,利用點對點科技所產生商業模式之多樣化,亦令人嘆為觀止。事實上,點對點科技已有多種合法之使用方式,而非僅能作為侵權使用。此種網路點對點技術之發達,使網友得任意實施數位重製及線上散布,危及權利人權利之保障,在無法確保數位著作能被有效保護前,著作人在網路發表著作之意願可能會降低。另外,公眾之言論自由及合理使用權利因美國數位千禧年著作權法(Digital Millennium Copyright Act,以下簡稱DMCA)此部數位著作權法之產生—尤其是該法中之反規避條款—而受壓縮。再者,不同於傳統著作權領域,在數位著作之世界中,網路服務提供者亦擔任重要角色,顯屬電子商務之重要一環,著作權人對點對點企業提出侵權訴訟阻礙對點對點企業之投資,因此為促進電子商務,顯然對善意之網路服務業者亦須提供免責之保護規定,以避免業者遭受不可預測之法律風險而有面臨倒閉危機之虞。 所以,在數位著作之領域中,著作權利人、公眾與網路服務業者此新的三角關係勢必須重新調整。世界智慧財產權組織乃是以WCT(WIPO Copyright Treaty)及WPPT(WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty)做出回應。美國亦通過DMCA。本文係以點對點傳輸為對象,介紹點對點網路傳輸技術,並檢討與點對點有關之美國DMCA相關規定及若干案例,再從安全港口條款與及美國最高法院在Sony-Betamax案所建立之實質上非侵權使用原則,建立判斷點對點企業侵權責任有無之要件,亦分析合理使用及美國家用錄音法之規定,分析利用點對點傳輸之下載者及散布者侵權責任之有無。另外,再分析美國反規避條款對點對點傳輸所衍生之著作權責任衝擊。最後,因網路科技是全世界之議題,本文討論之議題雖然國內尚未發生,惟如知悉美國規定及相關實務見解,亦可作為解決未來點對點爭議案件之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAn Analysis of Copyright Infringement and Peer-to Peer Technology: Focusing on American Law Student: Jung-Lin Chen Advisor: Min-Ton Lo Min-Chiuan Wang Institute of Technology Law National Chiao Tung University Abstract Peer-to-Peer (“P2P”) networks are the mainstream for the users in sharing information. For users, they can communicate and share information directly without servers. For enterprises, there’ll be various business models by utilizing Peer-to-Peer computing. In Fact, P2P technology can be used for many legitimate ways. P2P networks permit direct transmission of files among their users. In the other words, PC can play the role of either client or server. That makes users perform digital reproduction and online distribution if they so wish. However, it may potentially endanger copyright holders’ interests. Authors will hesitate to publish their works because of the fear of countless pirate. Thus, protecting digital content has become an emerging issue in copyright law. For the public, Freedom of Speech and the right of fair use have been constricted because of Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”) -especially in anti-circumvention provision. Additionally, in digital regime, Internet service providers(“ISP”) play the important roles, especially in electronic commerce .The film and music industries try to circumscribe P2P enterprises by filing suit, and that may deter Internet investment. In order to encourage Internet investment, it’s necessary to enact safe harbor that would allow service providers to develop their own business without fear of facing crippling liability. In digital sphere, the new triangle relationship among copyright holders, ISP and the public should be rearranged. World Intellectual Property Organization has approbated WIPO Copyright Treaty and WIPO Performances and Phonograms Treaty for response. To comply with these two treaties’ mandate, American congress enacted DMCA. In this paper, I focus on P2P transmission. First of all, I illustrate P2P technology, introduce related provisions of DMCA, and review recent cases that raised important issues. Next, I will establish the rules that immunize ISP to infringement from safe harbor clause and Sony-Betamax Doctrine of Substantial Non-Infringing Use. I also analyze the activities of P2P user to determine more precisely which, if any, of their actions infringe copyright. Finally, I may find ways to solve the up-coming domestic P2P arguments by referring related issues I’ve researched above.en_US
dc.subjectPeer-to-Peer transmissionen_US
dc.titleAn Analysis of Copyright Infringement and Peer-to-Peer Technology:Focusing on American Lawen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis