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dc.contributor.authorHsiu-Ju Changen_US
dc.contributor.authorShian-Shyong Tsengen_US
dc.description.abstract摘要 在一個教學知識庫的系統中,隨著教學的進行將面對轉換十分頻繁的知識,而達成教學的關鍵是在於能否成功的將知識在教學者與學習者及教材間適當的轉換與表達,所以一個具有高度可維護的教學知識模式將可以有效的減少在教學知識庫間轉換上的負擔。在本文中,我們試圖將教學行為的模式化、學習者認知行為的模式化及學習教材物件化藉以提升教學模式的延展性、學習者模式的可視性以及教材的可再用性;因此我們參考一般的教學模式及心理學家所提出的認知思考模式,提出一個以認知與物件導向為基礎的教學模式(COOTM)來達成以上三種特性。在這認知與物件導向為基礎的教學模式中,教學知識主要來自教學者、學習者、教材及整合此三者所需的教學策略,知識間三種主要的關聯包括教學類別間知識的參照、教學知識庫的擴充以及教學知識的轉換被用來描述知識類別間的合作關係,也同時提升知識庫的可維護性。本文為建立一個良好的教學模式提升教學模式的效率、可用性與延展性所以提出模式的多型表徵與相關適性化教學的演算法DCDAlg與LDCMAlg。COOTM的教學模式是建立在物件導向規則庫模型(NORM)為基礎所設計出的推論引擎(DRAMA)下,在此設計下整合了確定因素的推論模式、不確定因素的推論行為及以XML所表示的相對教學知識表達語言,藉由SOAP通訊協定在知識庫間溝通。在教材的選擇上是以立體幾何為實作的教材,因一般在國中的教材中,對於立體空間的推理能力仍有待提升,所以本文以國中數學習者中的立體幾何為實作的教材本體,將教材細分成教學所需的教材物件,展現物件的多型、繼承與封裝的特性。最後,我們實作了一個適性化電腦輔助教學與學習專家系統,這套系統將被用來說明如何運用我們的教學模式與規則庫管理系統開發一個教學模式下的知識庫管理系統。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn order to achieve the multiple educational objectives: cognitive, affective and psychomotor, the role of instructors acts like the professional coadjutant for attaining the diverse targets of teaching and stirring up the capabilities of students. In the traditional teaching styles, the adoptions of teaching methods are usually relying on the experience and presentation abilities of the teachers. For promoting the interesting of students, several significant teaching methods such like demonstration, discussion and drill-and-practice, are selected and used. In the past, the appropriate teaching method is selected according to the teacher`s experience and thus becomes a difficult task for the most junior teachers. In this thesis, some considerations about teaching methods are given and a novel teaching model, called Cognitive Object Oriented Teaching Model (COOTM), is proposed to describe the knowledge ontology, teaching methods components, and the corresponding relationships among them in COOTM. We implement the polymorphism of COOTM in order to improve the model reliability, efficiency and scalability. For Knowledge Representation, Cognitive Object-Oriented Teaching Model (COOTM) and Object-Oriented Rule DataBase (OORDB) are proposed to represent the teaching objects and the teaching strategies based upon object-oriented concepts. Some teaching and learning concepts that are provided by senior teachers are integrated and organized by such model and some teaching method objects are thus be generated for further investigation. We also design and Implement a Three-Dimensional Geometry Expert System via a NORM based inference engine-DRAMA. The inference engine manages and accesses contents and teaching strategies from the knowledge base on web-base learning system. Finally, a suitable teaching scenario and the related meta-knowledge or meta-teaching process flowchart can be constructed via COOTM efficiently and easily.en_US
dc.subjectCognitive Object-Oriented Teaching Modelen_US
dc.subjectRule-based Expert Systemen_US
dc.subjectDynamic Teaching Materials Deliveryen_US
dc.subjectAdaptive learningen_US
dc.subjectKnowledge Inferenceen_US
dc.titleDesign and ImplementationOf a Three-Dimensional Geometry Expert Systemen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis