DC 欄位語言
dc.description.abstract台灣在安防產業發展上有其先天劣勢,但也擁有最好優勢;台灣內需不大,不容易依賴內需而達經濟規模,但台灣企業的群聚效應與軟硬體整合能力,卻反而讓台灣安全監控廠在短短幾年內快速澎勃發展,並搶佔全球市場份額;伴隨近幾年全球網路通訊的普及與軟、硬體技術提升,安全監控產業也開始慢慢在改變,傳統的類比攝影機 (CCTV Camera)成長開始受限,需求正開始快速轉移到數位網路攝影機 (IP Camera)。 台灣光學廠進入安全監控產業的時間較晚,只因早期傳統CCTV的光學鏡頭需求量並不大,主要高檔的類比VGA安控鏡頭也只能向日本光學廠採購,中低檔的則來自於韓國與大陸,加上過去十年,台灣3C產業的快速發展,台灣光學廠較專注於投影機、DSC、DV、手機等較具規模經濟產品上,反而較少投入安全監控鏡頭的研發與銷售,直到2007年台灣揚明光學的投入,才讓全球安防鏡頭的供應鏈與市佔率開始產生變化。 安控鏡頭在產品生命週期上仍位處於快速成長期,未來終將伴隨著終端產品的成熟與普及化而慢慢走到成長飽和期;現階段我們不得不開始思考著,未來的光學產業下一波成長動能為何? 未來可能面臨的機會與風險又為何? 本文將以三家光學廠的發展近況與核心技術為研究基礎,嘗試推演出未來可能的成長機會與方向,目的供業界先進與專業人士有一參考依據,希望能對台灣光學產業亦有所助益。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn Taiwan, the business of Security Industry was constrained for the first few years due to the limitation of consumer demand. However, the business model in Taiwan has its expertise in producing a product in a vertical integration process, with overall hardware and software applications. This capability helps the Taiwanese Security Industry to enter the worldwide market. Taiwan also becomes one of the top few major product suppliers in the world. Along with the improvement of the networking technique on data transmitted from analogue to digital, the Security Industry also transferred its technique from analogue camera [CCTV Camera] to digital network camera [IP Camera]. The Taiwanese optical manufacturing industry got a late start on security lens products, because the acquisition volume for CCTV optical lenses was low. The main supply of high end VGA lens products was produced by Japan. The low end products could be from Korea/China. After 3C products started to bloom in the telecommunication market, in the last ten years, Taiwan's optical factory also concentrated on developing DSC, DV, projectors and cell phones, of which most of the current business market consists. Until YOUNG Optics joined the security market in 2007, it starts to change in the security optics supply chain and market share. The security lenses are still in the upward trend of their life cycle. Very soon their product will be improved and become popular. What’s the next generation? What’s the risk and chance? I would like to gain knowledge in this field, by studying the core developing technique at three of the major optical lens factories in Taiwan, and share my findings and the final analysis with you. It could be a good direction for the market investor and for exports. It also could be a challenge to the lens manufacturers. I hope it will be of benefit to the Taiwanese optical lens industry.en_US
dc.subject類比攝影機 (CCTV)zh_TW
dc.subject網路攝影機 (IP Camera)zh_TW
dc.subjectSecurity Industryen_US
dc.subjectCCTV Cameraen_US
dc.subjectIP Cameraen_US
dc.titleThe Optical Lens Development History and Future Growth Analysis of Worldwide Security Industryen_US