标题: 随机边界法应用于营建公司成本效率及影响因子之研究
Evaluation of cost efficiency and influencing factors of construction firms using stochastic frontier approach
作者: 吴继熊
Wu, Jih-Shong
Dzeng, Ren-Jye
关键字: 成本效率;随机边界法;衡量;营建公司;cost efficiency;stochastic frontier analysis;measurement;construction firm
公开日期: 2012
摘要: 营建业是一高现金流量的产业,在面对目前全球化竞争市场及获利率压缩的冲击下,应如何去提高成本效率是一重要课题。本研究运用随机边界法衡量26家台湾上市上柜大型营建公司的成本效率,回归模型是运用超越对数成本函数来衡量营建公司的成本无效率指标、设备成本、公司规模等关系。本研究结果显示:(1)营建公司的成本效率尚有极大的改善空间;(2)适度的财务杠杆可增加及弹性资金的调度;(3)可采分包来降低成本;(4)公司规模越大成本效率较佳;(5)减少设备成本支出可提高成本效率;(6)建设公司的成本效率较佳。希望藉由本研究的成果可建议与促使营建业调整本身的经营与管理策略,改善其成本效率。
Construction firms require a large cash flow, thereby creating a significant financial leverage. Therefore, identifying a highly effective cost efficiency model is essential for construction firms, especially under the pressure of competition in today's global market. In this study, 26 Taiwan listed construction companies are examined using the Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA). By using the regression model and the translog cost function to evaluate the cost inefficiency, equipment cost, and firm scale. The main findings include: (1) the cost efficiency showed that there was still a room for improvement, (2) appropriate financial leverage increases cost efficiency and capital, (3) subcontracting reduces labour costs, (4) larger firms can be more cost efficient, (5) reducing equipment costs increases cost efficiency, and (6) real estate developers are more cost efficiency. It is hoped that through the findings of this study, we can help construction firms to strategically adjust the management of their firm and improve cost efficiency.


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