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dc.contributor.authorLin, Ching-Lunen_US
dc.contributor.authorChiou, Yu-Chiunen_US
dc.description.abstract1978年美國通過航空業解除管制法案,自此航空公司不再受限於價格管制、市場進入與航點之限制。因此航空業者得以運用本身資源,獲取最大經濟效益。在此之後,航空業者產生兩支截然不同的商業模式:一是利用軸輻式航空路網的傳統全服務航空公司;另一是利用點對點航空路網的低成本航空公司。經過不斷演變,傳統全服務航空公司在市場佔有率逐漸消退,這些航空公司不是消失不然就是進行整併;然而低成本航空公司的市場佔有率卻不斷爬升。 這種現象不單是發生在美國,在歐洲甚至東南亞或其他地方都有這種現象發生。受限於雙邊航空協議及桃園國際機場的容量限制,在臺灣營運的低成本航空公司的航空旅客市場佔有率相較於整體亞洲低成本航空公司的平均市場佔有率是略為偏低。但是當日本、韓國、馬來西亞及新加坡逐漸採取開放天空政策,我們可預期未來臺灣也會順應此潮流。 相對於傳統全服務航空公司商業模式,低成本航空公司商業模式較為靈活與多變。從低成本航空公司思考邏輯及營運方式出發,本研究專注於低成本航空公司在開闢新航線時,選擇機場所需考慮因素。本研究從相關文獻及資料中選出5大類及20個機場選擇關鍵因素,配合學者專家意見,在經過層級分析法(Analytic Hierarchy Analysis簡稱AHP)及層級評分法(Hierarchy Scoring Method 簡稱HSM)計算後,分別求取關鍵因素的權重以及在此關鍵因素下低成本航空公司進駐國內主要機場之優先順序。希望藉此研究提供機場管理當局改善現有設施及營運競爭優勢策略參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractPassed in 1978, the U.S. Airline Deregulation Act intended to remove the constraints on air fares, market access for air routes, and market entry for new airlines; therefore, airlines were able to maximize economic benefits bordered by their resource. Divided over air transport market, there were two major branches of airlines operations: the first one was the legacy or full service carriers heavily relied upon hub and spoke network. The second one was the low cost carriers depending on their point to point services. Years later, the market shares for these full service carriers are shrinking, while low cost carriers enjoy a long sustained growth. Beside United States, the trends of low cost carriers were spread to other parts of world as well. There were successful stories for low cost carriers emerged in Europe and Southeast Asia. Constrained by bilateral agreements and Taoyuan international airport capacity, the market shares for these low cost carriers operated in Taiwan is lower than those of Asian average. However, Asian countries, such as Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Singapore, gradually adopt open sky policy. We are anticipated that Taiwan will follow the suit. Compared with full service carriers operations, low cost carriers take more flexible and volatile approaches toward air services provided. This research emphases the finding of key factors of low cost carriers for airport selection. Adopted from renowned literatures and relevant information, this research lists down 20 key factors classified into 5 categories. Taking the opinions form scholars and aviation experts, this research obtains the criteria weights and airport ranking processed by Analytic Hierarchy Analysis (AHP) and Hierarchy Scoring Method (HSM) procedures. Airport authorities could implement facility improvement strategies and operational competiveness advantage strategies by the use of research results.en_US
dc.subjectfull service carriersen_US
dc.subjectlow cost carriersen_US
dc.subjectkey factors for airport selectionen_US
dc.subjectAnalytic Hierarchy Analysisen_US
dc.subjectHierarchy Scoring Methoden_US
dc.titleThe Key Factors of Low Cost Carriers for Airport Selectionen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis