標題: 資訊工業企業分割之個案研究
A Case Study of Spin-off of Information Technology Company
作者: 林文山
Lin, Wen-Shan
Chung, Hui-Min
關鍵字: 資訊工業(IT)產業;內部成長;外部成長;縮小規模;購併;分割;拆分;綜效;負綜效;IT Industry;Organic Growth;Inorganic Growth;Down Size;M & A;JV;Spin-Off;Split-off;Synergies;Negative Synergies
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 半導體產業及TFT-LCD產業是目前台灣最重要的兩個產業,然而這兩產業都是IT產業的重要次產業,所以說IT產業是台灣最重要的產業,但是台灣大多數IT產業都是從事代工為主,僅有少數公司像宏碁(Acer)及華碩(Asus)等公司,願意冒著打品牌的風險,走向打品牌的孤獨道路。 本研究探討華碩電腦從設立到快速成長,最後面臨品牌及代工衝突的困境,透過不同階段的分割及合併方法,逐漸將品牌及代工切割成兩個公司,華碩電腦的表現逐漸超越宏碁、緯創、仁寶、廣達等其他台灣資訊工業公司,脫穎而出成為台灣主要的品牌公司之一,其中在分割和碩聯合之後,不但保持了在台灣的領先地位,同時躍升為與全球主要品牌公司。 本研究認為華碩電腦不只是透過母子分割方式,同時亦透過兄弟分割的方式,於適當時機完成其品牌及代工分離的策略,一方面減少原先兩個內部事業部的衝突,另一方面又能讓兩個分離的公司,各自擴大自己市場佔有率,同時又能不斷地超越台灣的其他競爭對手,本研究特別對華碩電腦對和碩聯合的分割,做詳細的分割前後的各項重要指標的比較,佐證其分割策略的成果,雖然華碩電腦在世界的排名逐上升,希望能持續進步,成為世界前三名的品牌公司,或者有更多台灣IT產業能進入世界前三名。
IC industry and TFT-LCD industry are two of the most important industries in Taiwan. These two industries are only important subindustry of the IT industry. Then we may say that IT industry is the most important industry in Taiwan. Most of the IT companies are subcontractors of brand name companies, only a few companies for example Asus and Acer dare to become a brand name companies. Asus and Acer are willing to take the risk to launch their brand name and go for the brand name lonely road. Our research studied the Asus from star-up to fast growth period, and then facing the conflict between the OEM and brand name. Asus Computer used different spin-off and M&A strategies in different stage to separate the OEM and brand name sections into two different companies. They are Asus Computer and Patragon. Gradully Asus overpassed Acer 、Winstron、Compal and Quanda and became the majof brand name company in Taiwan. After the spin-off of Asus and Patragon Asus not only kept the leading position in Taiwan, but also become one the famous IT brand name compay in the world. Our research found out that Asus used not only vertical spin-off strategy but also horizotal spin-off stategy to separate the OEM and brand name sections at right time. By the way of horizontal spin-off it solved the conflict problem between OEM and brand name. The two new companies could focus on each indivigual goal and also increase the market share. We studied the spin-off case of Asus Computer very carefully and compared the different important indexes before and after the spin-off to verify the spin-off result. The ranking of Asus is improving every year. We wish that Asus could keep going with right strategis and become Top 3 brand name in the world. We also wish that more companies of Taiwan could rank within the top three companies in the world.


  1. 151501.pdf

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