標題: 臺灣西部城際運輸路網脆弱度之評估模式
A Model for Assessing Vulnerability of Intercity Transportation Network in Western Taiwan
作者: 賴怡心
Lai, Yi-Hsin
Feng, Cheng-Min
Hsieh, Cheng-Hsien
關鍵字: 城際運輸;路網脆弱度;暴露度;脆弱度指標;Intercity Transportation;Network Vulnerability;Exposure;Vulnerability Index
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 摘要 有鑑於氣候變遷導致全球各地發生嚴重天然災害,又運輸系統為不可或缺之生活要素,其中,城際運輸肩負提供各地互通有無、均衡各區發展之重任。然而,過去鮮少關於城際運輸路網脆弱度的研究,因此,本研究之目的係界定合適的城際運輸路網脆弱度之指標,並以臺灣西部走廊為案例,實證分析成果以供相關單位參考。 本研究藉由彙整相關文獻,以節點中心性、路段重要性及區域可及性為概念,將城際運輸路網脆弱度分解為節點脆弱度、路段脆弱度、區域脆弱度;此外,亦納入暴露度於各指標中。由分析結果顯示,桃園國際機場、臺北港、直轄市火車站為較脆弱節點;城際公路系統較鐵路系統脆弱;北北基為區域客運脆弱區域、雲嘉南則為區域貨運脆弱區域。若觀察整體城際運輸路網脆弱度,則可發現節點/路段/區域脆弱度與當地的社經環境、發展背景、產業結構是環環相扣的。而透過研究結果,本研究建議相關單位在管理上,可參考以下四點建議:提升重要節點間之連結度、平衡各節點之暴露度、移轉路段之暴露度、平衡各區域之發展。
Abstract In view of climate change can lead to severe disaster, as well as intercity transportation is a vital system in modern city, which is responsible for providing communication between cities and balancing urban and rural areas. Therefore, one of the purposes of this research is to define the index of intercity transportation vulnerability, and use the intercity transportation data of western Taiwan as empirical results. In this research, node centrality, link importance and site exposure is used as base to define the index of intercity transportation, which is separated by node vulnerability, link vulnerability and site vulnerability. In addition, the concept of exposure is being used. The empirical results demonstrated that in node vulnerability, Taoyuan International Airport, Taipei port, train stations in municipalities are vulnerable. In link vulnerability, highway system is more vulnerable than railway system. In site vulnerability, Taipei metropolitan is vulnerable in passenger and Tainan metropolitan is vulnerable in cargo. As from the empirical results, this research also recommends four advises for related administrations, which are enhance links between nodes, balance exposure of nodes, shift exposure from highway to railway and balance the development of every metropolitans.
Appears in Collections:Thesis