Title: 公司治理與盈餘管理對可轉換公司債之轉換能力的影響
Does corporate governance or earnings management affect the conversion of convertible bond?
Authors: 陳怡靜
Chen, I-Ching
Lin, Jane-Raung
Keywords: 可轉換公司債;公司治理;盈餘管理;Convertible Bond;Corporate Governance;Earning Management
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 公司一旦發行可轉換公司債後,為了降低發行成本、保護普通股股東權益,或是管理決策考量,會有動機採取贖回方式迫使投資者將可轉債轉換為股票。然而,若強制轉換失敗,公司必須準備資金以支付贖回費用,此舉將造成公司要多負擔融資的承銷成本,甚至可能發生財務危機。因此,公司為了避免因強制轉換失敗產生額外的融資承銷成本甚至造成財務危機,有動機提升可轉換公司債成功轉換成股票的機率。


With concerning to reduce issuing cost, protect shareholders’ value, or corporate management and strategy, a company has cause to employ call provision to force investors to convert. However, if no bondholders convert their bonds into common stocks and thus the company will need a great amount of money for redemption, resulting in extra financing costs or further being in financial distress. Thus, it’s implied that firms may be motivated to enhance the probability of successful conversion to avoid the extra financing cost or even being in financial distress.

Moreover, many researchers find out that good corporate governance could improve profitability, growth or market value of the company. They also(Rangan, 1998) (Junttila, Kallunki, Kärja, & Martikainen, 2005) claim that company could use earning management to influence earning result and stock price. Therefore, corporate governance and earning management indeed affect performance and stock price of the corporate.

This paper is to examine whether corporate governance and earning management would improve or deter the conversion. The results in this paper show that earning management can not only increase the probability of conversion, but decrease the conversion days. As for corporate governance factors, outside board ratio has negative effect on the conversion probability and days. And duality only improves the conversion rate, but has no impact on the days. However, there is no evidence that board size will influence the conversion.
Appears in Collections:Thesis