Title: 新興國家快速消費品市場區隔研究-以印度市場為例
Segmentation Analysis of FMCG Industry in Emerging Country-India
Authors: 林采葳
Lin, Tsai-Wei
Tang, Ying-chan
Keywords: 快速消費品;印度市場;市場區隔;顧客關係管理;購買行為;FMCG;India market;Market segmentation;CRM;Purchasing behavior
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 顧客表現在產品購買行為上的差異性可確切反應出不同市場區隔型態。長久以來,消費者偏好及行為分析經常侷限於定性的問卷調查,得到的只是顧客的主觀認知,而非實際的購買行為。本研究藉由分析CRISA(亞洲市場研究機構)之家戶交易資料及消費者購買行為記錄觀察顧客的消費型態,進一步探討新興國家-印度之快速消費品(FMCG)的市場區隔特質及快速消費品於新興市場之產品策略。 透過因素分析、集群分析及變異數分析可反應顧客表現在產品購買行為上的異質性,並進而異中求同產生市場區隔。以本文之實證結果發現結合印度地區的快速消費品香皂產業主要消費者購買行為可分為-基礎美麗保養、促銷交易忠誠度、高檔護膚保養以及低價導向因素等四個主要的習性傾向;而這些習性傾向在該地區產業中分為三大市場區隔:價值偏好群、大眾消費群、促銷驅動群。 隨著快速消費品的購買力在印度地區不斷提升,各企業在印度市場的行銷活動策略為其重要。該產業的競爭相當激烈,各品牌必須更加重視消費者與產品之間的溝通,建立良好的顧客關係管理,才能強化印度地區的品牌力。
The difference in product purchasing behavior exactly implies consumer patterns between segmentations. For a long time, the measurement of consumer preference and behavior analysis have been limited to qualitative questionnaire survey, from which we can only get the information of subject recognition but not actual purchase behavior of customers. Therefore, this paper analyzes the behavior recorded in CRISA customer database in order to capture the extent of consumers’ behavior pattern. Furthermore, in this study we investigate characteristics of FMCG market segmentation and product strategies in emerging country-India. By using factor analysis, cluster analysis and ANOVA, we measure the customers’ heterogeneity in consumer purchasing behavior and segment the customers into four clusters. In this study, we demonstrate and figure out that the main purchasing behaviors in India consists of the following factors: basic beauty care, deal loyalty, premium skin care and low price-oriented and these factors above separate the consumers into three groups inclusive of value-added group, mass consumption group and promotion-driven group. With the growing consumption power of FMCG in India, marketing strategies in India market become more and more vital. Rivalry in FMCG in India raises the importance of communication between consumers and products. However, a good customer relationship management with right segmentation can enhance brand power.
Appears in Collections:Thesis