DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorLuo, Wan-Chenen_US
dc.description.abstract在第二語言的閱讀教學中,針對閱讀策略的研究一直以來都佔有重要地位。線上閱讀註記系統為針對電腦輔助語言學習的網站,提供線上閱讀的協作學習,讀者可以透過此網站進行註記與分享註記。然而目前針對線上輔助閱讀策略的使用情形,以及其對不同語言能力學生的閱讀理解之影響的研究仍十分有限。本研究目的為探討以英語為外語之不同程度學習者,其線上輔助閱讀策略之使用情形,此策略使用次數與閱讀理解之相關性,以及其對線上輔助閱讀策略成效之看法。 參與本研究之對象為五十位大學生及研究生,分別來自五所大專院校,包含國立交通大學、國立清華大學、國立台灣師範大學、國立新竹教育大學及台北市立體育學院,依其英文閱讀能力分為高、低能力組,於線上閱讀兩篇英文文章。每篇文章閱讀完畢,學生隨即進行閱讀理解測驗,並於隨後填寫針對輔助閱讀策略的問卷。每位同學使用輔助閱讀策略的頻率,皆由系統內建的電腦追蹤系統全程記錄,再藉由皮爾森相關係數探究是否閱讀策略的使用次數會影響閱讀理解。此外,問卷則以描述統計敘述學生對輔助閱讀策略的看法。最後,本研究以質性方式探討二十五位學生自願參與的訪談。 本研究結果顯示,學生的策略運用受到其對文章理解之重要性以及即時回饋的影響。儘管學生閱讀能力證實確實影響策略使用,絕大多數的學生均採用字典策略以迅速理解文章,並最少運用問題策略。此外,雖然輔助閱讀策略之使用與閱讀理解間無正相關性,然而獨立樣本T檢定的結果證實,相較於高能力者,低閱讀能力者使用線上輔助閱讀策略次數相對較高,因而更需要閱讀策略的協助,以理解文章。最後,後測問卷及訪談結果顯示多數學生對這些線上輔助閱讀策略的成效抱持正面的態度,認為策略使用有助於提升閱讀能力,並期望此類輔助閱讀策略能融入學校英語學習課程中。 綜合上述結果,本研究提供以下教學建議。其一、閱讀策略導向教學應融入語言課程中。其二、線上輔助閱讀策略可妥善運用,則有助提升教學效率與品質。針對未來研究方向,有以下幾點建議。第一、可選擇班級學生作為受試者,以達到同時分享線上註記之效。第二、延長研究進行時間,則策略使用及閱讀理解之相關性結果可更為明顯。第三、可於未來研究中加入其他閱讀策略,如整體性策略及問題解決策略等,以全面探討閱讀策略使用對閱讀理解的影響。 關鍵字:線上閱讀、線上註記系統、線上閱讀策略、英文能力、閱讀理解zh_TW
dc.description.abstractStudies on reading strategies have long been considered important in L2 reading instruction; however, there have been relatively few studies focusing on the use of online support reading strategies and the effectiveness of these strategies on comprehension among readers with variety in proficiency. As an application for computer-assisted language learning (CALL), Online Reading Annotation System (ORAS) offers a context for collaborative learning for online reading. Through this system, learners can make online annotations for the same reading texts and share these annotations with other users. The present study has three purposes: (1) investigating the use of online support reading strategies by EFL proficient and less proficient readers, (2) delving into the impact of use of online support reading strategies on reading comprehension, and (3) exploring readers’ perceptions of the effectiveness of the support reading strategies for online reading. The study involved 50 participants drawn by convenience sampling from five colleges. Through the placement test, the high-intermediate GEPT reading test, they were divided into High proficiency group and Low proficiency group, whose heterogeneity was confirmed by the results of the independent t-test. They were required to read two online passages, take reading comprehension tests, as well as complete a survey Twenty-five volunteer participants attended an interview within one week after their accomplishment of the reading tasks. To collect data for readers’ use of online support reading strategies, a tracking system was applied to record each participant’s browsing behavior in accomplishing each reading task. The data of both groups’ strategy use were collected and analyzed with descriptive statistics and independent sample t-test. Pearson correlations were calculated to gauge the relationship between both groups’ use of online support reading strategies and their reading comprehension. Eventually, to interpret participants’ feedback on their perceptions to the effectiveness of these strategies from the post-survey and interview, both descriptive statistics and perception analysis were adopted. The results concerning both groups’ strategy use revealed that Dictionary strategy constituted the predominant proportion in their application of online support reading strategies, and that Question strategy was the least used one. With regard to the impact of strategy use on reading, the results showed that there are no statistically significant positive correlation between them. However, the findings of independent sample t-test presented that Low proficiency group’s need of online support reading strategies significantly exceeds that of High proficiency group. Concerning the effectiveness of the online support reading strategies, the findings of the survey and interview revealed most participants’ positive perceptions of strategy use for their online reading. They even showed their support towards the incorporation of these support reading strategy functions with a website into their English learning programs. The findings of the study revealed significant pedagogical implications. To begin with, before learners’ engagement in online reading, teachers should equip them with instruction of online reading strategies to facilitate their comprehension. Second, with the assistance of online support reading strategies, the online reading website could be a potential platform, where the teaching-learning effect could be maximized. For future research, several suggestions are also made based on the results of this study. First, class setting could be adopted so that all the participants will be allowed to share online annotations simultaneously. Next, the length of study could be expanded; therefore, the results of the correlation between strategy use and reading comprehension would be more significant and meaningful. Last, incorporation of other reading strategies, such as global strategies and problem-solving strategies, could be carried out. Consequently, the exploration of the effect of strategy use on reading performance would be more comprehensive. Keywords: online reading, online annotation system, online reading strategy, English proficiency, reading comprehensionen_US
dc.subjectonline readingen_US
dc.subjectonline annotation systemen_US
dc.subjectonline reading strategyen_US
dc.subjectEnglish proficiencyen_US
dc.subjectreading comprehensionen_US
dc.titleAn Investigation of Online Reading Strategy Use, English Proficiency, and Reading Comprehension in an Online Annotation Systemen_US