Title: 促銷型式、產品屬性對消費者進行預購或購買現貨決策之影響
The Influence of Sales Promotion Types and Product Attributes to Consumers Pre-order or Purchase the Spot Decision
Authors: 劉懿慧
Liu, Yi-Hui
Huang, Jen-Hung
Keywords: 時間距離;預購;產品屬性;促銷型式;Temporal distance;Pre-order;Product attributes;Sales promotion
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本論文從「時間解釋理論」的觀點來探討「預購」現象,目前國內鮮少以此理論來進行相關研究,本研究目的在探究當時間距離不同時,消費者在選購手機時所著重的決策考量是否有所不同,且不同類型的促銷手法對消費者的吸引力是否會受到時間距離長短的影響。為避免產品類別的干擾效果,本研究選定現今熱門的智慧型手機為唯一的主產品,透過網路發放問卷,樣本主體為各大專院校的學生,分別給予兩群受試者不同的時間距離購買情境,一為三個月(預購),一為明天(現貨決策),讓受試者對手機各種屬性進行重要性評估、各類促銷方案進行吸引力評估。然後也採用了單因子(時間距離)、多因子(時間距離、財務能力、行家程度、性別)變異數分析。 結果發現,第一,現貨情境下的受試者在選購手機時會注重功能屬性甚於享樂屬性。第二,當時間距離越遠,消費者會更加注重手機的享樂屬性,也就是預購組的受試者對於享樂屬性的重視度高於預購組。因此,本研究認為廠商在手機現貨販售時應加強宣傳功能屬性的訴求,像是作業系統、電池續航力、操作流暢度等;預購活動則加強享樂屬性的訴求,例如顏色、設計、材質、螢幕尺寸等。
This paper conducts the Temporal Construal Theory (CLT) to explain the “pre-order” phenomenon, rarely present domestically. The purpose of this study was to explore whether consumers think differently when they make cell phone purchasing decision under different temporal distance, and whether the attractiveness of different types of sales promotion be affected by temporal distance. To avoid the interference effect of product categories, this study selected smartphone as the only one main product. Most of the samples are student of college and graduate school, and through the internet questionnaire. The participants were given two different purchasing situations: one is near temporal distance as “tomorrow (purchasing the spots),” another one is remote temporal distance as ”three months later (pre-order).” The subjects made an evaluation of the importance of various phone attributes and the attractiveness of all kinds of sales promotion. Then we adopts Oneway ANOVA(temporal distance) and Factorial ANOVA(temporal distance, financial wealth, market maven, gender) to our analysis. It was found that the subjects under spots situation will put more focus on utilitarian attributes. Second, the more remote the time, consumers will pay more attention to the hedonic attributes. Therefore, this study suggests that manufacturers in the spot mobile phone activities should strengthen the advertising appeals of the functional properties (operating system, battery life and smooth operating experience) to attract consumers to purchase mobile phones, and should strengthen the advertising appeals of the hedonic properties (color,design and screen size) to attract consumers to pre-order mobile phones.
Appears in Collections:Thesis