標題: 產品資訊設計對於消費者產品評價的影響
The Impact of Product Design Framing Information on Consumer Judgment
作者: 陳煒糴
關鍵字: 擴散促動理論;人類聯結記憶模式;資訊過載;阻礙效果;Spreading activation theory;Human associative memory;Information overload;Blocking effect
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究藉由擴散促動理論與人類聯結記憶模式做為基礎,探討消費者是如何藉由產品資訊來預測品質。消費者藉由購買商品獲得利益,然而在現今銷售通路、行銷管道、廣告充斥的時代,消費者購買行為受到極大的影響。在科技日新月異的今日,仿冒品和真品讓人無法分辨,因此「品牌」成為消費者判斷產品品質優劣的資訊來源,尤其一般消費者對產品的知識並不了解,所以品牌往往扮演重要的角色,甚至是部分消費者唯一的購買依據。 隨著網際網路的普及,網路完全改變現代人的生活方式,也使得消費者可以快速取得資訊,但當資訊能夠藉由網際網路快速揭露;暴露越多的資訊,對於消費者判斷品質上是否具有正向影響?是否會產生資訊過載 (information overload)的困擾。另外,拜網際網路所賜,不僅消費行為有所改變,對於企業來說,要如何掌握和揭露產品資訊是一大課題,而真正對於購買行為有正向影響的關鍵因素又是何者?因此,在想了解上述問題解答的促動下,希望透過本篇論文的研究找出最佳答案,並期望能給予企業未來行銷決策的參考以及相關研究的基礎依據。 綜合上述,本論文將操控產品品牌、產品屬性兩大預測線索來研究消費者是否會因為產品資訊出現的順序而影響品質預測的結果,以及是否因為資訊過載而產生學習上的阻礙效果。 本研究結果發現,產品品牌與產品屬性對於消費者來說,消費者會傾向以屬性做為預測線索,除此之外,阻礙效果會造成消費者先學習到的產品資訊阻礙後學習的產品資訊,因此,若廠商要鞏固品牌權益就必須先建立品牌與品質的聯結,才不會因為後續資訊的暴露導致品牌權益的削弱。
In this research, we use the Spreading activation theory and Human associative memory as bases to probe into the impact of product information on consumer judgment. Consumers can gain benefits by purchasing goods; however, in an era of sales channels, marketing channels and advertising filled, consumer behavior is greatly changed. Developing unceasingly along with the science and technology changes with each day, people can’t distinguish between the fakes and genuine goods, so “brand name” always is a clue to predict the quality of product. In particular, consumers always don’t understand the knowledge of the product, so the brand is often play an important role, and even it is the only purchase cue for some consumers. With the popularization of the Internet, network completely changes the life of modern people, they can obtain information easily, but whether the information can be quickly exposed by Internet have a positive impact on consumers’ judgment? Whether it will lead to information overload? In addition, thanks to the Internet has given not only a change in consumer behavior but also enterprises, for example, how to grasp and expose the product information is a tough issue, and what are the key factors that really have a positive impact on consumer behavior? Therefore, would like to know the answers to above questions that motivated me to find the best answer in this research, and hope to give a reference to the company's future marketing decisions or related research topics. In short, we will manipulate the product information (brand and attribute) to discuss how consumers learn the two predict cues, and whether the order effect of information will lead to blocking effect? We find that consumers tend to predict product quality by attribute if brand and attribute come together. Besides, blocking effect will lead to block the later information learning; therefore, in order to maintain brand equity, firms should set up the linkage of brand name and product judgment.
Appears in Collections:Thesis