標題: 從人際結構探討國小高年級學童Facebook使用行為
Exploring Interpersonal Structures Based on Facebook Usage Behavior of High-grade Elementary School Students
作者: 許駿堂
Hsu, Chun-Tang
Sun, Chuen-Tsai
關鍵字: 結構化時間;結構化活動;人際結構;Structured time;Structured activities;Interpersonal Structures
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 時間分成結構化時間及非結構化時間來看,在結構化的時間中,我們從事已安排好的行程,如同上班時間一到,我們就必須開始工作,又如同學生在早上七點四半或八點必須要到學校開始上課,這樣結構化的時間較無彈性。非結構化時間則是我們可以自由安排的時間,像下班後、放學後、放假時間等,這些時間較具彈性,並沒有一定要做什麼活動,這些時間相對於已結構化時間而言是較具彈性。在非結構化時間中,我們會因為某些因素而讓非結構化的時間產生改變,像國小學童放學後相約在線上遊戲中組隊遊戲,所以在非結構化的時間中,學童因為同學要求,使得在放學後的某個時段,他必需出現在遊戲中,也讓學童的非結構化時間產生了改變,非結構化時間變得結構化了。 在本研究中,試著以人際關係來探討是否國小高年級學童會因為人際結構的不同,並藉由觀察國小高年級學童在Facebook上的人際結構來探討是否在不同的人際結構下,Facebook的使用會變得較具結構化。 研究發現,國小高年級學童人際結構中,有網友的學童在Facebook的使用活動較具結構性,也讓國小高級學童的非結構化時間產生了結構化的情形。
In terms of work/leisure studies we can divide time into structured time and unstructured time. In structured time, we are engaged in a scheduled trip. For example, we must begin to work when working time comes. Just like that students have to start their school lessons at eight in the morning. This kind of structured time is inelastic. On the contrary, we are free to arrange unstructured time after work or school and during our vacation. Compared with structured time, unstructured time is more flexible, so we are not bound to do activities in a strict time frame. In unstructured time, we may change a certain period to a more structured manner for some reasons. For example, elementary school students meet in online games after school. In their unstructured time, because of classmates’ expectation and requirements, he or she may feel obligated to appear in the game at a certain period of time after school. This has changed the students’ time from previously unstructured to structured. In this research, we explore the relationship among fifth and sixth grade students to see if they are subject to interpersonal structure. By observing interpersonal structure of the fifth and sixth grade students on Facebook, which enforce a strong binding among friends, we can explore whether different interpersonal structure will make the users on Facebook become more structured. Through the research, we also find that higher-grade students who have net pals on Facebook are involved in more structured activities, and this also makes elementary school students’ unstructured time become more structured.