Title: 太陽能發電量與經濟成長之因果關係研究:以七大工業國為例
The Causal Relationship between Solar Electricity Generation and Economic Growth in the G7 countries.
Authors: 李芳宜
Li, Fang-Yi
Yu, Hsiao-Cheng
Pao, Hsiao-Tien
Keywords: 因果關係;太陽能發電量;工業國;Dynamic causal relationships;Solar energy generation;Group of 7
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本文主要欲驗證六大工業國於1980至2010年間之太陽能發電量與實質經濟成長間之動態因果關係。本文運用面板資料,採用共整合檢定、誤差修正模型、因果關係檢定和其他相關計量方法來找出這些變數之間的關係。
The paper examines dynamic causal relationships between solar energy generation and real economic growth in Group of 7(G7) during the period 1980-2008, but excludes the country England because the solar energy generation in England is very small than other countries. The paper using a panel data by the cointegration test, error correction model, causality test and other econometric methods are applied to find the relationships among these variables.
The main findings of the results below the following, there is unidirectional causality from solar energy generation to real GDP in the short-run and its coefficient is positive, unidirectional long-run relationship from GDP to solar energy generation and strong bidirectional causality between GDP and solar energy generation.
Overall, we find a high level of solar energy generation leads to high level of economic growth. Policy makers and managers need to be aware of the fact, if countries want to protect the environment and promote economy, they should adopt the dual strategy of increasing investment in solar energy infrastructure and stepping up long-run energy conservation policies to reduce unnecessary wastage of energy that also promote energy efficiency. The energy conservation policies that aim at curtailing energy use without affecting the end-use benefits must rather find ways of reducing consumer demand.
Appears in Collections:Thesis