標題: 領導者正向心情及服務績效的跨層次分析:透過團體氛圍及正向心理資本的中介
A Cross-level analysis on leader positive mood and service performance: the mediating role of group atmosphere and positive psychological capital.
作者: 張靈
Chang, Ling
Hsiao, Chan
關鍵字: 領導者正向心情;服務績效;團體氛圍;正向心理資本;階層線性模型;leader positive mood;service performance;group atmosphere;positive psychological capital;hierarchical linear modeling
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 領導風格及服務績效一直是備受關注的研究領域,然而,過去研究尚未觸及領導者正向心情對服務績效之影響。因此本研究試圖回答:「領導者正向心情如何透過中介機制影響員工的服務績效?」。本研究整理過去來自領導及服務績效領域的文獻,建構出領導者正向心情影響員工服務績效的跨層次模型,更有別於以往主要探討有形的中介機制,本研究延伸探討對兩者造成影響的重要無形中介機制。本研究假設正向心情的領導者會藉由組織層次的中介機制團體氛圍與個人層次的中介機制正向心理資本,影響員工的服務績效。在領導者正向心情到服務績效的組織行為研究之中,由於影響服務績效的因素可能同時來自組織層次及個人層次,故本研究採用能將來自不同層次的影響同時納入考量之階層線性模型,而本研究結果發現組織層次的領導者正向心情對個人層次的服務績效有正向的影響,而個人層次的中介機制正向心理資本具有完全中介的效果,反之,組織層次的中介機制團體氛圍則不具中介之效果。本研究研究貢獻將分為三個部分,首先,本研究將以領導者正向心情之研究風格為主要的研究核心,研究其對員工服務績效的影響,拓展了領導及服務績效領域的研究範圍;第二,本研究從無形的團體氣氛及正向心理資本作為中介機制的角度切入,進而探討領導者正向心情是如何透過上述無形的中介機制而影響了服務績效,而結果顯示,比起組織層次的中介機制團體氛圍,個人層次的中介機制正向心理資本對員工服務績效的中介效果更為顯著;最後,在方法論上,為準確分析影響服務績效的原因,本研究採用階層線性模型以檢驗模型的脈絡效果,使得本研究能更精準回答領導者正向心情如何透過組織層次及個人層次的中介機制影響員工服務績效之研究主題。
Leadership style and service performance has always been an important research field. However, the influence of leader positive mood on service performance hasn’t been discussed. As a result, the present study intends to answer the question “how does the leader positive mood influence the employee service performance with the mediating mechanisms?” To summarize the past studies in leader positive mood and service performance, the present study creates a cross-level research framework to discuss the relationship between leader positive mood and employee service performance with mediating mechanisms. Instead of investigating into the visible mediating mechanism, the present study intends to investigate into the invisible mediating mechanism impacting both leader positive mood and service performance. The present study assumes that leader positive mood will impact employee service performance through organizational-level mediating mechanisms, group atmosphere, and through individual-level mediating mechanisms, positive psychological capital. In the field of organization research, the factors influencing service performance may result from the factors in organizational-level and individual-level. Therefore, the present study uses the hierarchical linear modeling that can consider the impact from the different level to verify the relationship between leader positive mood and employee service performance with the mediating effects of the group atmosphere in organizational-level and the positive psychological capital in individual-level. The result shows that the leader positive mood positively influences the employee service performance and the positive psychological capital in individual-level makes complete mediation, but the group atmosphere in organizational-level makes none mediation. The present study makes three contributions as follows. First of all, the present study focuses on exploring the leadership style of leader positive mood, and its impact on service performance. Thus we can broaden the field of leadership and service performance. Secondly, the present study focuses on the group atmosphere and positive psychological capital as the invisible mediating mechanism to explore the model we construct and investigates how leader positive mood impacts service performance with the invisible mediating mechanism. Comparing to the mediating effect in group atmosphere, the mediating effect in positive psychological capital is more significant. Finally, in terms of the methodology, in order to analyze the factors that impact service performance precisely, the present study uses hierarchical linear modeling to examine the context effect of our model so that we can accurately answer oue research topic “how does the leader positive mood influence the employee service performance with the mediating mechanisms?”