Title: 轉型領導如何透過社會資本與知識分享促進虛擬社群的價值共創
Understanding links between transformational leadership and value co-creation: The role of social capital and knowledge sharing.
Authors: 李奕萱
Li, Yi-Hsuan
Hsiao, Chan
Keywords: 價值共創;轉型領導;社會資本;知識分享;階層線性模型;Value co-creation;Transformational leadership;Social capital;Knowledge sharing;Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM)
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 本研究試圖回答「轉型領導如何透過不同的驅動因子影響虛擬社群中的價值共創」。本研究根據過去文獻,建立出轉型領導透過組織層次的社會資本與個人層次的知識分享路徑影響社群成員價值共創。在組織層次上,轉型領導的行為特性會正向影響社會資本的結構面、關係面與認知面,有助於虛擬社群內資源的取得、整合與重組;當資源能有效且正確的使用,便能成功促進虛擬社群的價值共創。在個體層次上,轉型領導對於虛擬社群成員間信任的建立,有助於社群成員間互相交流,分享自己的知識;而成員所貢獻的知識正是價值共創所需要的資源。有鑑於同一個虛擬社群之參與者可能因組織知覺共識而產生脈絡效果,本研究以階層線性模型 (HLM) 進行驗證。結果顯示組織層次的轉型領導會正向影響組織層次的社會資本,組織層次的社會資本會正向影響個人層次的價值共創;另一方面,組織層次的轉型領導會正向影響個人層次的知識分享,個人層次的知識分享會正向影響個人層次的價值共創。本研究貢獻分為四個部分,首先有別於過去研究專注於企業虛擬社群,本研究將價值共創應用到非商業化的虛擬社群中,探討這些非商業化的虛擬社群做為企業創新的價值來源,將價值共創的研究往前推進。再者,本研究以社群領導者的角度出發,彌補過去的從顧客角度出發的研究缺口。接著,以整體架構而言,本研究分別以組織、個體層次的驅動因子作為影響路徑,探討轉型領導如何影響社群成員的價值共創。最後,以方法論貢獻而言,考慮虛擬社群的組成具有巢套的特性,本研究採用階層線性模型方法檢驗,使高層次解釋變數對低層次依變項的跨層次解釋能力能夠更加精確。
In the current research, we intend to understand the links between transformational
leadership and value co-creation. We integrate the research and create the framework
including organizational-level and individual-level. In organizational-level, transformational
leadership who can help the network ties within virtual community more intensive will have
positive impact on the social capital which can improve the resources flowing through the
virtual community. Value co-creation occurs when the members in the virtual community use
the resources correctly and effectively. In individual-level, transformational leadership will
have positive impact on building trust between community members. With trust, community
members are willing to share their own knowledge which is the important resource to value
co-creation. People engaged in virtual community with the same interest, that is, individual in
the same organization would be highly correlated which called nested nature of the data.
Therefore, we adopt the advice from scholars using the hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) to
verify our framework. The result shows that transformational leadership has positive impact
on social capital, and social capital has positive influence on value co-creation. On the other
hand, transformational leadership also has positive impact on knowledge sharing, and
knowledge sharing has positive effect on value co-creation. This research makes four
contributions. Firstly, in value co-creation field, we put our concern from profit virtual
community to non-profit value community which is different from the past research. Secondly,
we try to investigate value co-creation from the leadership aspect which did not be noticed in
the past. Thirdly, in terms of the model we explore the different path through
organizational-level and individual-level. Finally, in terms of the methodology we use
hierarchical linear modeling to verify the research model so that we can accurately understand
the impact of the variability of value co-creation that is resulted from the factors in
organizational-level and individual-level.
Appears in Collections:Thesis