Title: 分段導通線性LED驅動電路
Multi-step Linear LED Driver
Authors: 蘭瑜瑾
Lan, Yu-Chin
Chen, Ke-Horng
Keywords: LED驅動電路;LED Driver
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 近年地球氣候暖化及能源匱乏的問題,促使世界各國相繼提出節約能源、提高能源使用效率及具體抑制溫室氣體排放量的行動方案,照明節能是其中重要的一個部份。全球各國皆紛紛推出汰換白熾燈的時間表及LED燈泡的安全規範、電磁兼容規範及節能規範,以求LED燈泡可取代能源效率僅有其1/4的白熾燈泡。
Global warming and energy shortage in recent years have led the world countries to propose energy saving plan, energy efficiency improving plan, and greenhouse gas inhibiting plan. Energy saving of lighting is an important part. Countries of world have made safety certifications, EMI certifications, energy saving certifications, and incandescent replacement schedules. LED bulbs can replace incandescent bulbs with low energy efficiency.
LED bulbs for replacing conventional incandescent bulbs often have many problems in the design of the LED drivers. For example, the linear LED driver circuit has inefficient problem while the switching LED driver circuit has the EMI problem. Besides, dimming flicker problem and power loss problem in bleeding circuit also deteriorate the LED performance. To solve these problems, designer often needs to increase the cost. As a result, it caused the replacement of conventional incandescent bulbs by LED encounters many difficulties.
Conventional linear LED driver structure is very simple. Linear LED diver features to remove the EMI problem. The proposed multi-step linear LED driver circuit is a modification of conventional linear LED driver circuit. Multi-step linear LED driver not only has no EMI problem but also improves the power conversion efficiency. Simultaneously, it solves the flicker issue and energy loss in TRIAC dimmer applications. This paper realized the theory of multi-step linear LED driver, and proved that the theory of multi-step linear LED driver can meet safety and energy saving certifications. This paper also proposed and verified the optimized design method to enhance LED bulbs luminous efficiency.
Appears in Collections:Thesis