標題: 創新網路之探討: 以微影技術之發展與預測為例
On Innovation Network:The Development and Forecasting of Lithography
作者: 彭弼聲
Peng, Bee Pi-Sheng
Yuan, Benjamin J.C.
關鍵字: 行動者網路理論;社會資本;創新網路資本;次世代微影技術;技術預測;Actor Network Theory;Social Capital;Innovation Network Capital;Next Generation Lithography;Forecasting
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 此論文的目的在提出應用社會技術研究方法(sociotechnical)於創新上的研究。創新是社會改變的關鍵樞紐,無論是經濟面或社會結構上,技術性與社會性的創新,透過採用 與擴散之後造成社會文明的變遷。本研究所針對的創新研究並不僅是研究創新的內容,而是在於創新本質以及被採用的過程。援引科學技術社會 (Science Technology Social) 研究領域裡所發展的行動者網路理論(Actor Network Theory) ,與社會學領域中發展的社會資本 (Social Capital) 理論,結合成一新的研究架構,以創新網路 (Innovation Network) 探討創新所置身的網路架構。應用技術預測常用的觀察法,透過訪談,技術社群活動,技術文獻與會議報告,技術藍圖報告等資料,回顧半導體產業中浸潤式微影技術的發展生命史過程,藉以說明一項創新如何從非人的物,透過研發過程,因應各種行動過程而被動員或組織起來,因而成功重組創新網路,而這由共同利益所驅動的網路結構,除了最終創新為何被採用外,也可說明技術替代如何發生在技術—研發—生產的過程中 ,這項創新與原有的持續性創新網路結構基礎有交互關係,而非全然無中生有。透過觀察法的田野調查,應用行動者網路理論研究架構所採用的問題呈現、被動的徵召、主動的動員,進而達到利益轉譯 (Translation),以及社會資本理論中所提出的取得資源最大化與損失最小化,強弱連結學理,指出創新是在一連串的競爭與策略規劃影響下,造成創新網路資本的變化,以及超越主要行動者所設定的數個必須通過點(OPP,Obligatory Passage Point) 進而被採用。例如浸潤式微影技術式如何透過各種策略行動,達到半導體產業中各行動者的共同認知,因而替代了157奈米微影技術,成功地成為生產採用的製造標準,佔有新的次世代微影技術藍圖上的位置 。最後本文提出創新網路的分析架構,並對下一世代微影技術(Next Generation Lithography) 在超紫外光微影以及多重電子束微影兩項技術的創新網路進行分析,並提出兩項創新的前景評估與預測。
This dissertation is aiming to propose a new sociotechnical method applying on innovation study. Innovation-in-use always brings social changes after the process of use, adoption and diffusion, no matter it is technical or social innovation. The core of this research is not the detail contents of innovation but what and why is. By combining Actor Network Theory (ANT) from Science Technology Social (STS) field and social capital from social research to form an Innovation Network model research approach. And then, try to dig out through the life story study of Immersion Lithography—the observation method, activities in technology community, technical journal paper and conference reports, roadmapping report etc. to re-build an innovation. The innovation is a Network also a Worknet that both human and non-human are entangled within the interest-driven process. Finally the innovation is becoming a disruptive innovation to substitute developing 157nm technology and immerses it into the dark of history. The case study is providing a general analysis steps through the different angle than previous study on innovation survivor. The innovation survivor is taking advantage timely to pass the obligatory passage points after the interest translation process—Problemation, Passive Enrollment, Active Mobilisation. And those actions are towards 2 principles of resources and social capital: minimum of lost and maximum of gain. Finally, this research propose a novel research approach on Innovation Network and applying on forecast the next generation lithography (NGL) in semiconductor industrial.


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