標題: 以開盤行為知識檢定在台指期市場中隨機漫步假說之合理性
Testing Random Walk Hypothesis on Taiwan Index Futures Market by Discovering Knowledge in Opening Period
作者: 朱奕潔
Chu, Yi-Chieh
Chen, An-Pin
關鍵字: 市場輪廓;隨機漫步假說;台灣指數期貨;開盤八法;Market Profile;Random Walk Hypothesis;TAIEX Futures;Opening Patterns
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 開盤氣勢為影響市場當日走勢之重要因素,往往顯示了中長線交易者之企圖心,更包含了所有市場參與者對當日大盤趨勢之期盼,因此投資者如能掌握開盤所產生之行為知識,將有利於當日之投資決策。因此本研究嘗試整合市場輪廓理論及開盤八法之概念為基礎,建構一系列研判台指期市場開盤時控制力量之長線與短線指標,透過倒傳遞類神經網路之學習,分析當日尾盤之漲跌趨勢,發掘市場之潛在知識行為,並提出交易策略進行績效評估,建構一有效的分析模型,達到輔助投資者擬定投資策略,進而檢定隨機漫步假說在台指期市場之合理性。
The market opening provides an excellent opportunity to observe and evaluate the market’s underlying directional conviction. With understanding of market conviction in opening period is helpful for investors to make decision for the day. For this reason, this research is based on market profile and traditional opening patterns to construct indicators applying neural network technically trying to find out the relation between the opening period on Taiwan Index Futures Market and trend of the day. Moreover, this research tests random walk hypothesis on TAIEX Futures market and constructs a model to help investor make decision by finding out the underlying knowledge and behavior in opening period.
The results of this research show that the indicators by integrating market profile and tradition opening patterns have ability to forecast the trend of the day, and have better performance than merely constructing by traditional opening patterns. Besides, this result indicates that TAIEX Futures market is not random walk. The performance of indicators constructing by market profile is better than by traditional opening patterns. The ability of forecasting and profitability is not significant but compared to the random trading, traditional opening patterns is still able to slightly improve forecasting and profitability. In conclusion, through understanding the underlying knowledge and behavior in market can effectively improve the accuracy rate of investment transactions and profitability.