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dc.contributor.authorTsai, Chuen-Jinnen_US
dc.description.abstract在高科技產業中因應產品的製造,往往都需要使用許多的化學品,然大部分的化學品或是反應生成物都具有相當的危害性。倘若這些化學品及反應物不慎洩漏,不僅造成人員身體不適,更可能會危害到生命安全。更甚者,發生意外的是可燃性或自燃性的化學品,所造成生命及財產的損失更是不在話下。 本文所探討的個案廠為避免異常災害發生,利用與各部門代表聯合稽核以及各部門最高主管定期現場勘查…等方式,落實廠內各項安全衛生規定;另外也培養了現場人員具有危害因子辨識的能力及習慣,使得個案廠97年至101年中,現場人員主動發掘危害因子的件數,由5件/年提高至61件/年。 除此之外,也藉由這樣的培養,使人員更加了解異常發生的嚴重性及遵守標準作業程序的重要性,所以該廠因未遵守標準作業程序而導致系統發報的異常件數,已由原本的55件/年降至7件/年。 另外為求在異常發生時,能迅速且有效的進行應變,個案廠亦建立三種訓練方式及一個輔助方案,以進行現場人員的緊急應變訓練,使人員確實且安全的縮短應變裝備著裝時間、異常狀況控制時間。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractIn the high-tech industry, chemicals are often used in order to manufacture products. However, most chemicals or reaction products potentially carry high risks and dangers. Once these hazardous substances leak, they will not only cause workers discomfort, but endanger their lives. Furthermore, if accidents were caused by flammable or spontaneously combustible substances, they will cause greater loss of lives and property damage. In this thesis, we discuss ways to prevent unusual calamities on the basis of a case study. Methods including joint inspections and regular on-the-spot investigations by representatives and directors from different respective sectors can ensure the industry comply with safety and hygiene regulation and equip workers with abilities to identify hazardous factors. By practicing methods indicated in our study case, hazardous factors discovered actively by workers were increased from 5 to 61 elements per year from 2008 to 2012. Moreover, the training enables workers to know more about the seriousness of an unusual calamity and the importance of complying with standard operating procedures. Based on our case study, the data show the occurrence frequency of unusual calamities resulted from ignoring the standard operating procedures had dropped from 55 to 7 cases per year. In order to react effectively at the moment when unusual calamities happen, the plant in our case study creates three training methods and one supplementary scheme, hoping to equip workers with abilities to contingency management, minimize the average time for workers to put on protective equipment in a safe and correct manner, and reduce the time for controlling the emergency.en_US
dc.subjectHigh-tech industryen_US
dc.subjectRecognition for dangerous materialsen_US
dc.subjectEmergency Managementen_US
dc.titleA Study of Leakage Prevention of Chemicals and the Emergency Response in a Semiconductor Planten_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis