Title: 風險與報酬具不對稱性關係-以市場輪廓理論分析八年期貨資料之實證
An Empirical Study of Asymmetric Relationships between Risk and Return: Evidence from Analyzing Taiwan Stock Index Futures based on Market Profile
Authors: 鄭丹卉
Cheng, Tan-Hui
Chen, An-Pin
Keywords: 臺灣期貨市場;臺灣加權股價指數期貨;市場輪廓;倒傳遞類神經網路;效率市場假說;Taiwan Futures Market;Taiwan Stock Index Futures;Market Profile;Back-Propagation Neural Network (BPNN);Efficient Market Hypothesis
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 自法瑪(Fama)定義效率市場假說以來,研究學者們紛紛發表了各種實證市場效率性的研究,而由於研究方法、資料期間,和研究對象及標的不同,是否具有市場效率性的結論也不盡相同,因此對於是否具有效率性市場的結論仍然莫衷一是。
Since Fama defines the efficient market hypothesis, the researchers have published a study of empirical analysis of efficient markets, but because the different kinds of research methods, research data, and the research object, whether the market is efficient or not may also have different conclusions.
Based on the theory of market profile, the study intends to analyze the eight-year Taiwan Stock Index Futures data using back-propagation neural network as an assessment tool for the future market direction. The study tries to find free exposure in the futures market, so as to achieve better profit point but low-risk trading position and discuss the relationship between risk and return in Taiwan futures market, then examine the Taiwan futures market meet the weak-form efficient market hypothesis.
The research results show that indeed it finds out the relative low-risk trading price in the futures market. The experimental results not only verify the effectiveness of the market profile indicator, but also support the asymmetric relationships between risk and return exists in the Taiwan futures market, so that the Taiwan futures market does not meet the weak-form efficient market hypothesis.
Appears in Collections:Thesis