標題: 從網路科學的角度看美術風格轉變-以西洋美術史為例
The Evolution of Art Style in terms of Network Science - based on the History of Western Fine Art
作者: 陳思仰
Chen, Sze-Yang
Huang, Tayuan
Lee, Jong-Eao
關鍵字: 網路科學;無尺度網路;網路圖形;網路性質;西洋美術史;文藝復興;艾狄胥數;達米拉三傑數;network science;scale-free network;network graphs;network properties;the history of western fine art;Renaissance;Erdős number;hree-master numbers associated De Vinci-Michelangelo- Raffelo
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 「網路科學」的概念近年來已成功的應用在許多不同的領域。透過「網路科學」的角度重新認識「西洋美術史」,本研究利用「網路圖形」及「網路性質」,來探討西洋美術史畫風流派的演變。 古埃及與古希臘羅馬文明的進程,正是典型的「中央集權網路」與「無尺度網路」,我們據以討論這兩大藝術文明在面對攻擊時的承受能力。接著我們以「文藝復興」以後,西洋繪畫史上最具影響力的五十位畫家的師承關係及所發揮的影響力為出發點,畫出對應的「網路圖形」。以十九世紀繪畫風格的網路消長與中心節點的移轉為例,我們清晰發現呈現在畫風流派演變上的諸多網路性質。結合「艾狄胥數」的概念,以五十位畫家的網路圖形為基礎,我們首度提出「達米拉三傑數」,用以研究畫家與文藝復興三傑的關聯程度。透過本研究,我們認為由於網路科學新元素的加入,為美術史的研究帶來更豐碩的題材。
The discipline of network science has been successfully applied in various areas recently. Stimulated by this trend, this research will focus on studying the history of Western Fine Art, in particular the evolution of style/school-changing among artists, within the framework of network science. We first notice that ancient Egypt and ancient Greek and Rome can be best described as centralized networks and scale-free networks respectively. Network graphs will be depicted for showing those networks formed by 50 selected most influential artists since Renaissance period on. When we focus on the hub-transitions among 19th century artists, we can find easily some well-known network properties over the evolutions of style/school - changing among them. Mimic to Erdős number, three-master number associated with De Vinci, Michelangelo and Raffelo is introduced based on these networks for measuring the connections between various artists and the three Giants of the High Renaissance. With the progresses concluded in this thesis, we expect that the discipline of network science will continuously provide more insights into the study of art history.


  1. 281201.pdf

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