Title: 食品法典委員會標準制定之研究-以萊克多巴胺最大殘留量之標準制定為中心
The Standard-Setting of Codex Alimentarius Commission: A Critical Study on the Maximum Residue Limits for Ractopamine
Authors: 嚴昱如
Yen, Yu-Ju
Ni, Kuei-Jung
Keywords: 食品法典委員會;食品安全;風險分析;萊克多巴胺;Codex Alimentarius Commission;food safety;risk analysis;Ractopamine
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 食品法典委員會制定食品安全標準,其目的在保護消費者健康及確保食品貿易公平進行,所制定標準對世界影響甚大。在世界貿易組織將食品法典委員會所制定之國際標準,作為各會員國防檢疫措施之基礎,使得食品法典委員會成為國際食品安全標準制定之權威,不僅受到世界各國的重視,並且成為各國政治、經濟、科學實力與食品貿易的角力場域。由於我國非食品法典委員會之會員國,無法實際參與國際標準制定且對於食品法典委員會所知有限,因此本論文以食品法典委員會之標準制定為研究對象,以提升對於國際標準制定的理解,且探究食品法典委員會之運作問題及改進方式,做為研究核心架構。本論文採用文獻探討法了解食品法典委員會組織架構及其制定標準的原則、程序及運作機制;以案例分析法深入剖析近年來爭議性極大且在不具共識下通過之萊克多巴胺最大殘留量標準,檢視各國支持及反對標準草案之主張與會議過程,探討食品法典委員會標準制定之實際運作狀況;並且透過實證質性訪談具有世界貿易組織事務經驗及了解萊克多巴胺標準制定議題之專家,以求研究能貼近實際制定狀況。最後提出本論文發現萊克多巴胺最大殘留量標準與食品法典委員會制定原則不相符之問題及標準制定改善建議,不僅對於食品法典委員會的提升有助益,本研究亦有助於我國判斷是否採用食品法典委員會之國際標準及其利弊。
The Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) aims at protecting the health of the consumers and ensuring fair practices in the food trade. CAC standard has great influence in the world. Since World Trade Organization has required Member’s sanitary and phytosanitary measures to base on CAC standards, under this condition, CAC is now the international authority of the food safety standards. Not only countries deem CAC important, but turn CAC into a place for competing politic, economic and scientific competence, and international food trade. Taiwan is not the member of CAC, therefore cannot participate the standard-setting procedure in CAC and with little understanding of CAC. The purposes of this thesis are to understand and analyze the CAC standard-setting procedure and its problems, and to provide suggestions for CAC. The study methods include the following three types. (1) Studying the official and relevant documents to understand the structure, principles and procedure of CAC standard-setting. (2) Case study on the standard-setting procedure of maximum residue limits for Ractopamine, which is the most controversial standard adopted without consensus in the recent years, and the pros and cons of CAC members, and meetings discussing Ractopamine draft standard. (3) Qualitative research by interviewing experts with experiences in WTO, who possess valuable information of maximum residue limits for Ractopamine. According to the aforementioned study methods, this thesis provides the findings that the standard of maximum residue limits of Ractopamine without conforming to the standard-setting principles and proposes the suggestions for CAC to get improvement. This thesis will assist CAC to improve the standard-setting procedure, and help Taiwan government to decide whether adopt standards of CAC and to understand the advantages and disadvantages of the CAC.
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