標題: 圖文步驟化與同步呈現對於國中圓與切線性質學習成效之比較研究
A Comparison Study between Stepwise and Simultaneous Presentation of Graph and Words on the Learning of Circle and Tangent Properties
作者: 楊蕙璐
Yang, Hui-Lu
Chen, Ming-Jang
關鍵字: 注意力;視覺引導;多媒體學習;認知負荷;圖文步驟化;圖文同步呈現;attention;visual guiding;multimedia learning;cognitive load;stepwise of graph and words;simultaneous presentation of graph and words
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 訊息傳遞之首要是訊息要能被學習者「注意」到,教師如何正確利用視覺元素做好視覺引導,將訊息正確地傳達,讓學生容易看到,就仰賴教師在教材設計及操控上之配合。本研究採準實驗研究法,以「圓與切線間的性質關係」之幾何概念為教學內容,探討圖文步驟化呈現教學與圖文同步呈現教學對學生學習成效與認知負荷感受的影響。以二因子變異數進行實驗分析。研究結果顯示:(1)教學設計與學習成就水準兩變項在後測、延後測各部分之表現及認知負荷感受均沒有顯著的交互作用。(2)教學設計變項對於後測總成績、後測計算題、後測說明題之主要效果皆達到顯著差異;學習成就水準變項對於後測總成績、後測計算題、後測說明題之主要效果皆達到顯著差異。(3)教學設計變項對於延後測總成績、延後測計算題、延後測說明題之主要效果皆達到顯著差異;學習成就水準變項對於延後測總成績、延後測計算題、延後測說明題之主要效果皆達到顯著差異。(4)教學設計變項對於認知負荷感受之主要效果達到顯著差異;學習成就水準變項對於認知負荷感受之主要效果未達顯著差異。(5)綜合學習效率與學習投入分數判斷學習情形,實驗組為高效率高投入,對照組為低效率低投入,兩組教材對於高學習成就學生均未產生專業知識反轉效應。
The most important thing of sending message is the message must be noticed. How do teachers properly make use of visual elements of visual guiding ,to convey the message properly and let students notice it? It depends on teaching design and manipulation. This study was based on a quasi-experimental deign method by using "circle and tangent properties " of geometric concepts for teaching content, and it explored stepwise teaching of graph and words and simultaneous presentation teaching of graph and words on students’ learning performances and perceptions of cognitive load..The result of the experiment was analyzed through two-way ANOVA.The results of the study showed that :(1) In terms of the individual scores in post-test and delayed post-test as well as the perceptions of cognitive load, there was no significant interaction between the two independent variables, teaching design and learning achievement level. (2)The major effect the variable of teaching design had on scores in post test was found to be significant in posttest total score, posttest calculation problems, posttest description problems; the major effect the variable of learning achievement level had on scores in post test was found to be significant in posttest total score, posttest calculation problems, posttest description problems. (3) The major effect the variable of teaching design had on scores in delayed post-test was found to be significant in delayed posttest total score, delayed posttest calculation problems, delayed posttest description problems; the major effect the variable of learning achievement level had on scores in delayed post-test was also found to be significant in delayed posttest total score, delayed posttest calculation problems, delayed posttest description problems. (4) The major effect the variable of teaching design had on scores in perceptions of cognitive load was found to be insignificant; however, the major effect the variable of learning achievement level had on scores in perceptions of cognitive load was discovered to be significant. (5) Judging from the synthesis of learning effectiveness and learning involvement, participants in the experimental group belonged to learners of high efficiency and high involvement learning style while in the control group participants were described as learners of low efficiency and low involvement learning style. Both teaching materials did not lead to the expertise reversal effect in high achievers.


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