Title: 新聞行動應用程式(App)廣告呈現方式、新聞內容型態與調節焦點訊息之廣告效果研究
The Advertising Effect of Mobile Application Advertisement of Advertising Disply, News Content and Reculatory Focus
Authors: 葉芳婷
Yeh, Fang-Ting
Lin, Hui-Fei
Keywords: 行動應用程式;行動廣告;廣告呈現方式;調節焦點;新聞內容型態;廣告效果;mobile app;mobile advertising;advertising disply;regulatory focus;news content;advertising effect
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 行動App具有廣大的規模與市場潛力,是新聞媒體不可忽略的經營重點。本研究採實驗法,檢驗新聞性的行動應用軟體(Mobile Application或Mobile App)中的行動廣告(Mobile Advertising),在不同的廣告呈現方式(橫幅/插播式)、新聞內容型態(資訊導向/娛樂導向)與調節焦點訊息(促進型/預防型)作用之下,對廣告效果(廣告點選、廣告點選、廣告態度)產生的影響。
With great potential on the commercial market, mobile applicaiton is nowadays an important issue to the news media. Therefore, the stud adapts experimental method to examine the advertising effect of mobile application on advertising disply (banner ad/interstitial ad), news content (Entertainment-oriented/News-oriented) and reculatory focus(promotion/prevention).
The results shows that advertising disply has significant effect on click, memory and attitude towards the advertisment. The interstitial ads have better click and memory towards the advertisment than the banner ads, while the banner ads have better attitudes towards the advertisment than the interstitial ads. The entertainment-oriented news has better memory and attitude towords the advertisement than the news-oriented news . Within the news-oriented news, the banner ads have better attitude towards the advertisment then the interstitial ads; however, within the entertainment-oriented news, the interstitial ads have better attitude towards advertisment than the banner ads. Within the news-oriented news, the prevention regulatory focus ads have better click towards the advertisement than the promotion regulatory focus. Within the prevention regulatory focus ads, the banner ads have better attitude towards the advertisement than the interstitial ads; within the promotion regulatory focus ads, the banner ads have better attitude towards the advertisement than the interstitial ads.
Appears in Collections:Thesis