標題: 都市貨運駕駛油耗特性與影響因素分析
Investigating the Characteristics and Influential Factors of Fuel Consumption in Urban Freight Transportation
作者: 沈敬莘
Shen, Ching-Hsin
Wong, Jinn-Tsai
Chung, Yi-Shih
關鍵字: 都市貨物運輸;駕駛型態;油耗模式;Urban freight Transportation;driving pattern;fuel consumption model
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 關於都市貨物運輸駕駛油耗特性與影響因素的探討,在目前研究中是較少被提及的領域,多數研究以自小客車與公車為主,然隨著都市貨運的蓬勃發展,行駛里程與車輛數並不容小覷,而競爭激烈的各家業者也需要對於油耗量有效的控管,本研究選定一間都市貨運業者,針對其快捷件的服務型態進行資料蒐集,透過訪談、OBD II行車數據及行車紀錄器畫面,分析三種都市內操作型態的路線、駕駛行為、營運型態等等,並以OBD II 進行行車數據的蒐集,建構一以速度為基礎的油耗模式,並假設數組情境,討論模式的實用性及適用性,提供貨運業者與駕駛能夠針對不同的行車環境與路線規劃,透過油耗模式調整駕駛行為,減少油耗,達到節能減碳的目的。
The investigation of the characteristics and influential factors of fuel consumption in urban freight transportation field is rare. Most studies discussed about cars or buses. Within the development of economics and urban freight, the growth of freight vehicles and driving mileages should not be underestimated. Therefore, freight companies need an effective method to control the fuel consumption in the competitive market. This research selected an urban freight company, then focus on its three kinds of service patterns to collect the data. We analyze the routes, driving behavior, and operating characteristics of above three patterns through interviews, OBD II vehicle data and event data recorder. The data of OBD II is the major data for us to construct a speed-based fuel consumption model. Further, in order to know the practicality and applicability of this speed-based model, we propose some scenarios to discuss the different fuel consumption between them. By using this model, freight operators and drivers can easily adjust the driving behavior toward speed in different driving situations and routes to achieve the objective of cutting down the fuel consumption for energy saving and carbon reduction.


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