Title: 以 Kano模式強化智慧電視產品開發
Facilitating the TV systems development with the Kano model
Authors: 蕭吏涵
Hsiao, Li-Han
Hung, Chih-Young
Keywords: Kano;智慧電視;產品開發;顧客需求;Kano model;Product development;Smart TV;Customer requirement
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 隨著科技產業的高度發展,生活中的大小事物逐漸走向數位化、無線化、行動化…而電視自從二十世紀發明以來就在人類的娛樂生活中佔了一席之地,傳統的電視也在這一波數位化智慧化的浪潮中逐漸演化,未來的智慧電視究竟會是怎麼樣的局面,大家都在揣摩這項全新的服務與後續的商機應用。台灣在智慧型電視世界的產業鏈上,有著四成的關鍵零組件市占率也同時是最大的系統組裝業者,在這波智慧電視的浪潮中,究竟應該如何扮演這價值鏈中的關鍵角色,在新產品的開發上有著領先的機會,透過此篇研究以顧客為導向將需求轉化為功能屬性,並且擬定策略方針提升智慧型電視系統的價值,擴大智慧型電視的市場與機會。 近年來智慧型手機的興起,其所提供的服務讓每個人趨之若鶩,隨著3C設備的戒線逐漸模糊,數位匯流的概念逐漸興起,大家也都在思考將相關的服務放到不同的產品上,正是所謂的『多螢一雲』的概念,再加上Google與Apple相繼推出TV服務產品,整體布局從電腦、手機領域轉往電視,此一趨勢方興未艾,如能早先一步得知顧客期望與需求,則有較大的機會與世界競爭,縮短產品開發錯誤的風險。 本研究利用Kano模式界定不同消費者對於智慧型電視的偏好,分別探討消費者需求的屬性項目與產業端發展的重點項目。以文獻探討和專家小組的意見歸納未來智慧電視的產品屬性,再利用Kano問卷調查消費者的需求分類,使得專家前瞻出的需求功能,能輔以消費者需求的觀點,也成為可實現並且是顧客確實需要的產品屬性組合。此外針對各種不同的差異需求,協助制定產品差異化與顧客差異化的策略,找出廠商適合的目標市場與定位。
The introduction of smart TVs began a revolution that enables a new customer-centric and interactive TV service. With the increase in digital content from personal computers and smart phones, end-to-end connections through the Internet provide numerous opportunities for customer interaction with programs and services. Meanwhile, there is an eco-system targeting the home market in a unique and real-time manner. Based on the variety of information gathered and the convergence of different digital vehicles, users need a new product that is easy to control, interact with, and search the Internet. Smart TVs are not only a new technology, but also a platform that offer online video viewing, gaming, file sharing, stock trading, and other feature-rich applications. They bring together the computer business, mobile phone business, and TV business on demand. Key players like Apple and Google have been trying to promote their content integration from the smart phone market to the TV market, and starting in 2011, and the response from the market toward this technology was tremendous. Therefore, a comprehensive analysis of smart TVs is vital as Taiwan hold over 40% of the worldwide market share for smart TV critical components. If we can identify customer needs earlier, we can speed up the developmental processes for smart TVs; this will benefit us greatly and decrease the risk of us developing products that could not meet customer needs. Most people believe that customer needs are uncertain and are hard to exploit. If, however, you want to expand your service or business, you need to think carefully about your business position, and what you provide to your customers. In this study, we use the Kano model to identify customer needs. The Kano model is a widely-used conceptual method that maps customer needs and product features using positive and negative questions. The responses indicate how features affect satisfaction. At this stage, we consult experts to summarize the functions of the smart TV and ask potential customers to take the survey by answering the Kano questionnaire. We then determine the product attributes that are “must haves”, “Attractive needs”, “One-dimensional needs”, or “Neutral needs”. This approach dynamically links customer expectations to product functions, which makes it easier to position the product and select customization factors. Not surprisingly, the best manufacturers focus on operational excellence. The best service providers should concentrate on how their product or service helps customers finish their tasks. Smart TVs should integrate hardware and software well to deliver the right service and observe customer expectation change with dynamic analysis. The results of this study have the potential to inform manufacturers and focus future research on the development of smart TVs that can deal with a sophisticated and fast-changing industry.
Appears in Collections:Thesis