Title: 代理問題與現金增資承銷方式之財富效果─以台灣市場為例
Agency theory and wealth effect of flotation methods in seasoned equity offerings: evidences from Taiwan stock market
Authors: 鄭宇宏
Cheng, Yu-Hung
Wang, Keh-luh
Keywords: 現金增資;代理問題;公開申購;詢價圈購;SEO;Agency Problem;Public Subscription;Bookbuilding Subscription
Issue Date: 2012
Abstract: 隨著企業的擴張發展,其資金需求將愈來愈高;其中,企業現金增資為募集資金的方法之一,承銷方式可分為公開申購(Public Subscription)與詢價圈購(Bookbuilding Subscription)兩種,然台灣市場對採公開申購者給予負面反應,並給予詢價圈購者正面反應。本研究分析民國88年至民國101年間企業現金增資者共638筆樣本,其中公開申購者為581筆,詢價圈購者57筆;並藉公司市值、負債比率等控制變數與承銷方式差異分析整體現金增資樣本。公司採用詢價圈購方式增資時,將引入外部機構投資人並提高其監理層級,且得同時減低代理問題,故市場對此承銷方式給予正面反應。
During the expansion and development of corporate, its demands of funds increase. Seasoned equity offering (SEO) is one of the usual approaches to raise funds, and typical underwriting includes public subscription and bookbuilding subscription. In Taiwan stock market, there is a negative reaction under a public subscription and positive reaction under bookbuilding subscription.
This paper examines how decisions of different underwriting approaches taken by firms affects its market value within 638 samples from 14 tiers, 581 public subscription samples and 57 underwriting subscription samples. The results suggest that although there is information asymmetry in the Taiwan stock market, obviously market investors are more concerned about the agency problem.
Appears in Collections:Thesis