標題: 基於多層級分散式訊源編碼的壓縮傳遞系統
A study of Multi-level Distributed Source Coding for Compress-and-forward Relaying Systems
作者: 許晉瑋
Hsu, Chin-Wei
Chang, Wen-Whei
關鍵字: 合作式通訊;壓縮傳遞;分散式訊源編碼;同位子法;多層級編碼;cooperative communication;compress-and-forward;distributed source coding;parity approach;multi-level coding
公開日期: 2013
摘要: 本論文針對合作式通訊在低通道訊雜比的應用環境下提出一個新的中繼端傳輸方案。中繼端利用純量量化器處理源自來源端的接收信號,再利用分散式訊源編碼的同位子法以及多層級編碼處理後,經由通道碼保護送出。目的端收到來源端與中繼端的訊號後,先還原其量化索引資訊,再與來源端直接鏈結路徑的接收信號合作解碼。模擬結果顯示在低通道訊雜比時,基於渦輪碼原則的疊代訊源通道解碼能有效還原中繼端的重建訊號。
In this thesis, we propose a new information relaying approach for cooperative communication with low source-to-destination channel SNR. The relay first performs scalar quantization on received source signal, and then jointly apply the parity approach of distributed source coding and multi-level coding prior to the transmission to destination with channel code. The destination estimates the received relay signal by a joint decoding of the signals from both the source node and relay node, followed by decoding of the source message using both the received source signal and reconstruction relay signal. Also proposed is a signal estimation scheme based on the turbo-like iterative source-channel decoding. Simulation results indicate that proposed relaying system yields better performances when source-to-destination channel SNR is low.


  1. 022101.pdf

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