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dc.contributor.authorChen, Sheng-Yuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorYang, Chyanen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究之研究目的為探討品牌形象以及炫耀心理在消費者對精品產品之購買意願的影響,並以LV的產品為例,希望了解消費者對於奢侈品的消費意圖究竟為何?而不同族群的消費者對於奢侈產品的品牌形象、炫耀心理、以及購買意願的看法是否有所不同? 透過網路問卷的方式進行抽樣調查,總共回收250份有效問卷,所得資料以統計軟體SPSS 19.0 for windows進行分析,以因素與信度分析來確認問卷的題項;以敘述性統計來了解受訪者的分佈狀況;以單因子單變量分析來確認不同消費族群對於品牌形象、炫耀心理以及LV產品之購買意願的差異性:最後以迴歸分析來分析品牌形象以及炫耀心理在消費者對LV產品之購買意願的影響。 分析後得到以下結論:一、不同人口統計變數的消費者對於品牌形象、炫耀心理、以及對LV產品的購買意願會有所不同。二、品牌形象對於消費者購買LV產品的購買意願皆有顯著且正向的,尤其以功能性的考量最為重要,從人口統計變數對品牌形象之功能性的分析中可以發現不論何種消費者對功能性的看法是沒有顯著差異的。三、產品可以帶給消費者的炫耀性價值,是影響消費者購買動機的因素之一。 如果業者欲提高消費者對自身產品的購買意願,本研究提出下列建議:一、品牌形象的建立是相當重要的,在精品產業中,品牌形象之功能性上的需求完善之後,可以選擇強化自身產品的象徵性觀感,同時針對不同消費族群制定應有的產品形象。二、LV產品的的推銷模式需要針對不同的消費者有不同的推銷手段,已達到擴大自身品牌的廣泛性。三、任何隸屬於精品產業的品牌,都不應隨著價格競賽的熱絡而降低自身品牌的價格與品質,因為精品能帶給消費者的奢華性與炫耀性,很大部分的原因是來自該產品的價格,既然已經定位為精品品牌,建議企業應該堅定品牌原本的理念,透過一般品牌達不到的奢華性來建立自身品牌的價值。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to investigate the interrelationship of brand image, conspicuous and status consumption and purchase intention in terms of luxury goods, hope to understand what reason push consumer to buy such expensive goods and is there any different aspect on brand image, conspicuous and status consumption and purchase intention in terms of luxury goods between different consumer? This research take the way of network questionnaires, in view of individual consumer as the sampling object, collect effective questionnaire 250. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS 19.0 for windows, using factor and reliability analysis to confirm the questionnaire item. By using descriptive statistics, we understand the sample distribution. By using ANOVA to analysis if there is any difference in brand image, conspicuous and status consumption and purchase intention in terms of luxury goods between different consumer. Finally, using regression analysis to analyze the influence between brand image, conspicuous and status consumption and purchase intention in terms of luxury goods. The result were as following: (1) The interest on purchasing brand name products, e.g. LV, differs tremendously in between peoples with different ages, genders, educations, incomes and occupations. (2) Functional evaluation are in common for all kinds of people in consideration of purchasing brand name products despite any kind of ages, educations, backgrounds for occupations. (3) The major motivation for purchasing brand name product is still on show off. If the entrepreneurs want to enhance consumer’s luxury goods purchase intention, there are some suggestions: (1) The establishment of brand image is very important, in luxury industry, entrepreneurs can choose to strengthen the symbolic perception of its own brand for different consumer. (2) LV product marketing mode need to create different marketing tools for different consumers in purpose of expand more target market. (3) Because of luxury goods bring consumers the luxury and conspicuous much from its price, so suggest entrepreneurs do not choose to reduce costs in order to achieve lower prices, but should strengthen the original concept of the brand. Key words: luxury, brand image, conspicuous consumption, status consumption, purchase intentionen_US
dc.subjectbrand imageen_US
dc.subjectconspicuous consumptionen_US
dc.subjectstatus consumptionen_US
dc.subjectpurchase intentionen_US
dc.titleThe interrelationship of brand image, conspicuous and status consumption and purchase intention for LV productsen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis