標題: 新台灣之子雙文化認同的心理歷程探究
A Narrative Study of Bicultural Identity and Its Pychological Process of Children With Immigrant Mother in Taiwan
作者: 張琬涓
Chang, Wan-Chuan
Hsu, Ying-Chu
關鍵字: 新台灣之子;雙文化認同;心理歷程;敘事研究;children with immigrant mother in Taiwan;bicultural identity;psychological process;narrative research
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 本研究旨在探究新台灣之子雙文化認同的心理歷程,以質性研究中的敘說探究為研究方法,透過深度訪談三位青少年新台灣之子,以「整體-內容」和「類別-內容」的分析方式分析其生命故事,得到結果如下: 一、家庭內父母的社經地位、教育程度、文化傳遞程度,以及父親方對母親母國 身分和文化的接納狀態等因素,可為三位新台灣之子的雙文化認同帶來啟蒙。 二、三位新台灣之子過往被歧視的經驗,與以主流價值觀、實用性,來衡量學習、 認同的價值,分別對自我與母親母國文化的認同帶來影響。 三、三位新台灣之子於雙文化認同的心理調適偏向對污名化的回應。包含:行動 發聲、情緒宣洩後保持心理距離、揭露、調整內在認知。 四、三位新台灣之子和環境脈絡間具有交互作用性,對族群文化認同不是單一選 項,而是同時認同兩種族群文化標記,後依被主流文化接納的程度,在認同上呈現融合、半融合與期待被同化的狀態。 五、台灣社會對新移民概念的轉變趨勢,影響三位新台灣之子在不同時空背景 下,分別以標籤化和去標籤化的方式被對待,呈現時代性具有建構接納與尊重多元文化氛圍的特性。 六、三位新台灣之子結合了父母雙方的跨文化資本,各自展現出屬於自己的生命 色彩,比只有單一文化的孩子更具有多元語言與價值視野的優勢。 根據研究結果,研究者建議未來研究者,社群民眾、新移民家庭教育單位、 學校老師、政府當局及多元文化諮商工作者,發現與重視新台灣之子的獨特生命色彩及優勢能力。
The objective of this study explores bicultural identity and its pychological process of 3 children with immigrant mother in Taiwan using 「holistic- content」 and 「categorical- content」 analytical methods through in-depth interviews, based on the qualitative approach , narrative inquiry. The research were explored as following: 1.The「socioeconomic status」、「level of education」、「the degree of cultural transmission」of parents and「the acceptance of mother native culture from father」 in family, enlighten the bicultural identity of 3 children with immigrant mother in Taiwan. 2. The「discriminated experiences」 and 「measuring the value of leaning and identity by the worth and practicality of majority」influence the self and bicultural identity of 3children with immigrant mother in Taiwan. 3.The bicultural identity and its psychological adjustment process of 3 children with immigrant mother in Taiwan trend to response to stigma. Including : acting out、maintaining psychological distance after emotional catharsis, disclosure, adjusting the inner awareness. 4.There is not a only one choice for 3 children cultural identity, but according to the different cultural degree of majority identity. It will be presented on the state of integration, semi-integration and expect to be assimilated. 5.Transforming tendency of immigrant acknowledge affecting 3children with immigrant mother in Taiwan were treated by labeling or not, showing the times has characteristics of constructing the atmosphere of acceptance and respect for cultural diversity. 6.Three children with immigrant mother in Taiwan combine cross-cultural capital of parents, showing their own life style, has a multi-lingual advantages and perspective, more than other children with single culture. According the result, it is suggested to future researchers, community residents, the educational institutions of children with immigrant mother, school teachers, the administration and the counselor that the children within multi-cultural have their unique life style, and it is more important that we could not ignored their strength and how to find it out.


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