DC 欄位語言
dc.contributor.authorChih Chung Leeen_US
dc.contributor.authorMingsian R. Baien_US
dc.description.abstractCrosstalk cancellation system (CCS) plays a vital role in spatial sound reproduction using multi-channel loudspeakers. However, this technique is still not of full-blown use in practical applications due to small sweet spot and heavy computation loading. Among the parameters of loudspeaker deployment, span angle is a crucial factor that has a profound impact on the separation performance and sweet spot robustness achievable by the CCS. First, a comprehensive study was conducted to explore the effects of listening angle on crosstalk cancellation in spatial sound reproduction using two-channel stereo systems. The intention is to establish a sustainable configuration of CCS that best reconciles the separation performance and the robustness against lateral head movement. Two kinds of definition of sweet spot are employed for assessment of robustness. In addition to the point source model, HRTF are employed as the plant models in the simulation to emulate more practical localization scenarios such as the high-frequency head shadowing effect. Three span angles including 10 degrees, 60 degrees, and 120 degrees are then compared via objective and subjective experiments. Second, a bandlimited CCS based on subband filtering approach is presented to reduce the computation loading. A pseudo Quadrature Mirror Filter (QMF) bank is employed in the implementation of CCS filters which are bandlimited to 6 kHz, where human’s localization is the most sensitive. To justify the proposed system, subjective listening experiments were undertaken in an anechoic room. The experiments include two parts: the source localization test and the sound quality test. Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) is applied to process the data and assess statistical significance of subjective experiments. Third, a bass enhancement system based on a sensorless cone velocity observer is developed to construct a complete spatial audio reproduction system. At last, this technique is extended to multi-channel inverse filtering for automotive virtual surround audio system. The interior of a car is known as a notorious listening environment due to reflections in a confined space, non-ideal user/loudspeaker positions, and ambient noise, etc. It is then desirable to develop audio systems that are capable of rendering quality spatial sound fields in harsh car environments. Four design approaches are proposed for 2-channel input and 5.1-channel input, respectively. For 2-channel input, a method of reverberation-based upmixing with inverse filtering and another method of up/down mixing with weighting and delay are presented. The upmixing algorithm is used to convert two-channel signals to four-channel signals, while the downmixing algorithm does just the opposite. Inverse filters are employed to position the virtual sound images according to the 5.1 configuration. For 5.1-channel input, a method of downmixing with inverse filtering and another method of downmixing with weighting and delay are presented. These processing algorithms have been practically implemented on a car. Simulations and experiments were conducted for validating the proposed spatial audio systems. Subjective listening tests were also conducted to compare these methods, with the data processed by multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA).en_US
dc.subject3D audioen_US
dc.subjectautomotive audioen_US
dc.subjectcrosstalk cancellation systemen_US
dc.subjectinverse filteringen_US
dc.subjectsweet spot analysisen_US
dc.titleAnalysis and Implementation of Multi-channel Audio Reproductionen_US


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