標題: 機車考照前參加駕駛訓練之意向研究-以高中職學生為例
Intention of Attending Motorcycle Driving Training before License Test for Senior High School Students
作者: 彭翊雅
Peng, Yi-Ya
Chang, Hsin-Li
關鍵字: 機車駕駛訓練課程;高中(職)生;理性行為理論;結構方程模式;motorcycle driving training course;senior high school students;Theory of Reason Action;Structural Equation Model
公開日期: 2012
摘要: 因為台灣地形因素造成機動性極高的機車一直是台灣人很喜歡的代步工具。然而隨之帶來的是機車事故不斷發生,導致機車安全一直是政府很關注的一個議題。政府為了減少機車事故的發生,因而開設安全與完善的駕駛訓練課程,期望青少年在道路行駛之前先能夠俱備健全的交通知識與良好的防衛性駕駛技能。本研究利用風險感認、時間和金錢代價付出意願以及學習需求,搭配理性行為理論來探討他們對機車駕駛訓練課程的參加意願雨影響因素。本研究利用新竹市高中(職)學校的學生進行問卷發放,共1331問卷,利用結構方程模式分析並驗證理論模型。結果發現高中(職)生在機車駕駛訓練課程的意願上有顯著的差異;高中(職)生相對於付出金錢更願意付出時間;高中(職)生願意為了自身安全和順利考取駕照而參加機車駕駛訓練課程。
People in Taiwan usually like to use Motorcycles as the transportation tool because of its mobility. AS the number of motorcycles traffic accidents increase , the Government take the safety of motorcyclists more important than before. In order to reduce the accidents of motorcycle, the Government provides a way to make up. The Government hopes that teenagers can learn traffic knowledge and defensive driving skills through the driving training course. This study aim to explore the relationship between risk perception, willingness to pay about time and money, and learning need, combined with theory of reason action (TRA). A completed questionnaire was returned by 90% of them (N=1479). A series of structural equation analyses indicates that risk perception and earning need both have significant influences on attending intention. The result also shows that the high school students will take time more than money, and they would attend the courses for driving safety of themselves and getting the license.